silkie sexing

The ChicknGardner....think it is a pullet. Run your finger down from top of crest to bump at top indicates a hen most times. Besides...she looks like a hen to me. :) but Silkies can fool you.
I will try this. I have 10 silkies and believe I have 5 of each which I know isn't good and a few roos will need to go but not until they mature more and I pick the pretty ones I want to keep. My question is this, Do pullets get bumps on their combs to but not the mulberry coloring? Here are 2 of the chicks I think are pullets but I'm not sure. I know for sure which are my cockerels, I will post pictures of both but the pullets are what I am looking for. The first 2 pictures are the ones that I think are pullets. The rest are my cockerels for sure.What do you think about this last chick, Not sure about it, could go either way.These chicks are only 4 weeks old.
Just wanted to let you all know my sweet Priscila Pearl passed away last night.

RIP my sweet angel bird...
3.5.12 - 5.16.12

So sorry how sad. I know how I felt when my pair of sultans died on me. I went in there coop to let outside in morning and both were dead. I did find another wasp nest in there maybe that is why. I didn't even know why or how it happened. It is so awful to hear that kinda news. I am so sorry for you my dear. She was really cute though I think you need to replace her right away.

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