Silkie thread!

Above chick #1

Chick # 2
I know it is early but does anyone see any signs of Roo's??
Chick #2 might be just based on stance and feathering slower then Chick #1. they are 4 weeks old
I have 3 roosters and a hen... I know not very good but they really never rip out feathers or draw blood but they are almost a year and are starting to be a little more mean. I'm getting a new hen soon hopefully an getting rid of one but does anyone know if it might end worse? I don't want one to die but I don't want to have to get rid of more than one. Do you think if I made a bigger run it would stop somewhat?
Hi all, I have a buff silkie that is now white! When it hatched it was a lovely butterscotch colour but 7 weeks later she is white. Will she return to buff or not?
my chickens are ready to get out of the coop in the morning but when it is time to go in for the night they wont go in the coop by themselves i have to put them inside what can i do if anything

When I first got my Silkies they wouldn't go in the coop and I figured out it was to dark and they weren't use to it, so I put those cheap little solar lights by the entry and a few inside and it solved the problem. Once they got use to it I didn't need them anymore. You have to keep them out in the sun during the day then stick them in the coop just before dark.
Do you have any photos? Sometimes whites appear yellowish, but once their feathers start growing they are white. Were the feathers buff when they grew in?

This was after a few days of hatching, the other white chicks were yellowish. Now they all look white.
The breeder had written the colours on the egg so I know she was supposed to be buff.
My rooster was quite full of himself today, so I snapped a few pictures and thought I'd share

Swishing his streamers

Sorry about the dirty booty, but holy butt fluff batman!

His lovely beetle green feathers!

Random chick pic, 8 weeks old.

This was after a few days of hatching, the other white chicks were yellowish. Now they all look white.
The breeder had written the colours on the egg so I know she was supposed to be buff.
Perhaps the breeder may have made a mistake when labeling or maybe it was mixed color crossing. I have white chicks that appear yellowish along with patches of golden hues and even a touch of gray. All their feathers are growing out to be white though. I suspect yours will too.

What are the wings looking like? Are they white, any color coming into them? That's where you will see the true color first. Spread the wing out, take a look. Maybe you can get a photo of the wing out for us? :)

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