Silkie thread!

Well so far so good! Lucky has hatched seven of the eggs I placed under her. They are healthy and happy looking so far!!

I know it has been over a year since my last post about the Silkies I had in my incubator. Out of the six, three hatched and I was very pleased. It was fun watching them get bigger and their feathers coming out. But it is with a heavy heart I am here to say that they did not make it. After a couple of months and them being in there own coup, Noodle, &Rice, Creamof, all went to the big farm in the sky. I like to let my birds out during the day and lock them up at night. Well I don't know if it was the fluffy feathers or their trusting disposition but one day I came home from work and there was only three small piles of feathers for me to remember them by. Along with my two Japanese black tail and one of my two Barred Rock bantam, the great chicken massacre of 2013 left my down and out in my poultry rearing. But after a brief hiatus and the CIA movements and skills of "Lucky", my last hen standing Barred Rock, I am back in the game again.
A week or so ago I noticed that Lucky had laid a few eggs, and then a little later a few more. Well then she went to setting, (I have no roo, so I knew all the eggs where blanks.) I gave her a few days to see if this was really what she wanted to do with her life, and after another week she confirmed it. I could not get any Bantam eggs locally, so I opted for the ebay fertilization network. I found 14 Frizzle Silkie eggs from a lady that I had purchased from before. Quick and secure shipping brought these future fluff balls to my door, posthaste. The next obstacle was to find when Lucky took her break from her motherly duties to stretch her legs and have a little "me" time. Most of the time she likes to get off her eggs early in the morning, but for some reason she knew I had plans for her. After stalking her most of the day she had to finally take a pee break. So I swiftly moved in and removed her un-fertile eggs, which by the way she was sitting on twelve. I figured she was not that great at math with only ten toes, I figured the other two eggs would go unnoticed. As I got everything switched and ready to go she came around the corner wanting back in her coop. I nonchalantly stepped back to my nature area and sat for a while watching to see if she knew some slight of hand had happened in her absence. Well I am happy to say it has been 3 days and she is still just sitting as happy as if she had good sense. So as soon as I have some hopefully happy news to spread with this great community of poultry plebeian, I will make sure you all are the first to know!
Its a boy

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