Silkie thread!

We are holding at 99-100F and 65% humidity. One of the bowls of water has paper towels ... the other has tampons ... LOL. They're absorbant, right? I put the tampon bowl under the little round vent so I can stick a straw through it and refill if necessary. A thick straw from a water bottle fits perfectly.

How long should the water/humidity last before I need to add? Day 21 is Sunday.

Three silkie eggs in there should make some companions for Miss Georgette and Stan (the gender challenged Silkie):

Miss Georgette

My silkie was born cross beak and with one eye. her good eye either has a weird eyelid or something is stuck on her eye. Opinions?

Anything I can do for her? I would hate for her to go totally blind.
My silkie was born cross beak and with one eye. her good eye either has a weird eyelid or something is stuck on her. Anything I can do for her? I would hate for her to go totally blind.
I am afraid I would cull this little peep. Only one damaged eye and a cross beak is a lot of handicap to live with.
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My husband doesn't want to cull her. Any idea what is going on with her eye? We are going to give her a few days to see how she is doing and decide from there. If she is suffering cant eat and drink then we will have to cull her.
My husband doesn't want to cull her. Any idea what is going on with her eye? We are going to give her a few days to see how she is doing and decide from there. If she is suffering cant eat and drink then we will have to cull her. 

There looks to be some kind of growth on her eyelid.
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You can use dry ice. Take a bucket with a sealing lid. Put some dry ice in a margarine tub with holes poked in the lid for the carbon monoxide to escape from the dry ice. Place the tub of dry ice and the chick in the bucket. Seal the lid and wait about 5 minutes. They just fall asleep.
Wel I just checked on her and it was gone...I use sand is the brooder and my best guess is either it was sand or food stuck on her eyelid. So maybe I wont have to cull her after all.

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