Silkie thread!

My Silkie Baby Is doing TONS better. I took her to visit the other chicks her age and they where picking on her super bad. This morning My friends mom Texted mine (my Friend has about 10 seramas) And they had an extra serama cockerel that they couldn't keep so now I might have a small friend for the silkie baby (name is deception) I just need to make a small coop for them. I might get some sort of other small breed next year, or a silkie/serama. I am also going to get a serama pullet next year. Does anyone have a silkie/serama mix. that they have pic of?
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Is it a roo sign if my Cuckoo Silkie has reddish (kind of salmon colored) in the comb and wattles at 11 weeks? It acts so much like a pullet. I would be shocked if it was a cockerel after all.
I use Vicks for scaley leg mite( cnemidocoptes ) . The idea is to smother them and oil is far too time consuming with a large flock. Yes the mud sticks to it and the feathers get dirty, but the mud and dirt caked on top only increases the likelihood of cutting off the air supply to the mites. One application does it.

Yes, suffocation is the key. We do the vitamin A or E oil treatment at roost time so that by morning the skin has totally absorbed the benefits of the vitamin while doing a health preventative treatment against mites. Our soil and water are very harsh on our Silkies' skin so we don't mind the extra effort of using vitamin oils. For drinking water we use bottled water around here for humans and pets because the water is so harshly mineralized. Tap water gets heavily crusted in just a few days around spigots.

With our little flock of 4 pets we have the luxury of individual attention but wholeheartedly agree with you that large flocks require different methods! It's just nice to know all available options
I have talked with owners of only 2 hens and they appreciated knowing they didn't have to lather their pets in greasy or smelly stuff to get the same results. We all do whatever works best for us.

P.S. Thank you for your links - I've bookmarked ALL of them!
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Yes, suffocation is the key.  We do the vitamin A or E oil treatment at roost time so that by morning the skin has totally absorbed the benefits of the vitamin while doing a health preventative treatment against mites. Our soil and water are very harsh on our Silkies' skin so we don't mind the extra effort of using vitamin oils. For drinking water we use bottled water around here for humans and pets because the water is so harshly mineralized. Tap water gets heavily crusted in just a few days around spigots. 

With our little flock of 4 pets we have the luxury of individual attention but wholeheartedly agree with you that large flocks require different methods!  It's just nice to know all available options ;) I have talked with owners of only 2 hens and they appreciated knowing they didn't have to lather their pets in greasy or smelly stuff to get the same results.  We all do whatever works best for us.

P.S. Thank you for your links - I've bookmarked ALL of them!

Sorry this is kind of off topic but if your water is so hard, have you considered a sediment filter and a water softener? Just seems the bottled water would get awfully expensive! I am trying to picture what your faucets, pipes, sink bowls look like!
Hi, I'm new to chickens and have a question about my silkie. Her, hopefully a her, crest is starting to get in her face a bit and I have seen online people using tape to make a pony tail, but she's only 9 weeks old. Would it interfere with her feather growth? Should I just trim it?
I wouldn't use tape... I don't know enough about silkies but I WOULD NOT USE TAPE. I don't know about you but I would not want tape in my hair
Hi, I'm new to chickens and have a question about my silkie. Her, hopefully a her, crest is starting to get in her face a bit and I have seen online people using tape to make a pony tail, but she's only 9 weeks old. Would it interfere with her feather growth? Should I just trim it?

Please do not use tape, that will not only stick bad in their fluff but also pull it constantly and all I can think is that would cause a horrendous headache, lol...

You can trim, many people do as long as you don't show your Silkie, or you can use a baby hair tie to put the crest in a mini ponytail... others may have more suggestions, but that's all I can think of right now... :)

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