Silkie thread!

Well I Am Very Confused
I Told Before I Got A 4-6 Month Old Hen And Roo Bearded Silkie And A 4-6 Week Old Female Bearded Silkie And I Have A Tub That Is Holding My 4-6 Week Old Silkie Female Bearded My Non-Bearded Male Silkie , My Male Millie D'uccle, And My Three Cochins, and 3 or 4 productive reds? And I Went Out There To Clean And Feed Them And My Female Bearded Silkie Is Balling Up, Pecking, And Chest Budding And Fighting With My Male Millie D'uccle? Is That Normal Or Is She Agressive She Does Attack All The Other Ones In The Tub But Then It Stops Then She Does It Again, What Should I Do? She Is The One Egging It On Not My Male. If Anyone Can Help Me With Some Info Soon As Possibly I Will Be Great Full.

I don't tolerate bullies of any breed. I isolate the bully and if it's really a mean bird, we re-home it. I had a sick Silkie in the house for a week last week. When we released her back into the flock like normal she started to attack the two large fowl -- she needed to re-assert her position in the flock. We held their heads down to the ground to subdue the fighting but it continued throughout the day - little squabbles and feather-flying but after a couple days the Silkie has calmed down and no longer is confronting the two large fowl who by now are paying no attention to her. My birds are gentle temperament birds but some pecking order still has to go on. Check that you have enough space per bird where you pen them, have "chicken toys" for them, doghouses to hide in, tree stumps or chairs to jump onto, etc, to keep them busy to help them leave each other alone. If you think a bird is so aggressive that you believe injury may occur then by all means isolate the bully. You'll have to be your own judge as you know your own birds best. You get a feel for what's right after some time spent with them. In the past I've had some ultra-vicious larger fowl bullies and re-homed them - now I keep only 5-lb-&-under breeds so there's less chance of injury during pecking order politics.


Said goodbye to Ragnar tonight. Two months ago she became egg bound with both a whole and a broken egg inside her. I expected her to go within the week. She did not, and continued acting happy and well for the past months up until this week, when she started slowing down, losing weight, pasting up, and finally had a partial prolapse of some type yesterday. I looked her over, set her down, and said, "Enjoy tomorrow." I then threw out some extra scratch last night and she happily ran about and ate it, showing no signs of pain or stress. Tonight I brought her down to the house, gave her some raspberries, and then culled her. It was quick and she went peacefully.


Said goodbye to Ragnar tonight. Two months ago she became egg bound with both a whole and a broken egg inside her. I expected her to go within the week. She did not, and continued acting happy and well for the past months up until this week, when she started slowing down, losing weight, pasting up, and finally had a partial prolapse of some type yesterday. I looked her over, set her down, and said, "Enjoy tomorrow." I then threw out some extra scratch last night and she happily ran about and ate it, showing no signs of pain or stress. Tonight I brought her down to the house, gave her some raspberries, and then culled her. It was quick and she went peacefully.

Sorry for your loss. :(

idk this is me first time having chickens the lady I got them from does frizzle and sizzle that's all she has. I sent her a photo and she said it looks allot like her red silkie roster is the dad! any ideals on this one this one? they all have the extra toe
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QUOTE: Well I Am Very Confused
I Told Before I Got A 4-6 Month Old Hen And Roo Bearded Silkie And A 4-6 Week Old Female Bearded Silkie And I Have A Tub That Is Holding My 4-6 Week Old Silkie Female Bearded My Non-Bearded Male Silkie , My Male Millie D'uccle, And My Three Cochins, and 3 or 4 productive reds? And I Went Out There To Clean And Feed Them And My Female Bearded Silkie Is Balling Up, Pecking, And Chest Budding And Fighting With My Male Millie D'uccle? Is That Normal Or Is She Agressive She Does Attack All The Other Ones In The Tub But Then It Stops Then She Does It Again, What Should I Do? She Is The One Egging It On Not My Male. If Anyone Can Help Me With Some Info Soon As Possibly I Will Be Great Full.

How do you know your 4-6 week old silkie is female? It would be rare to be sure of sex by that age unless DNA tested. I usually can't tell before 3 months with most of mine and much later for some. "She" may be a rooster. How much room do you have in the tub? As chicks get bigger they need more room. Once you move them to a larger space, there may be less conflict. Or maybe he/she is just mean. But you may want to wait until you can get them moved to a larger space with at least 10 sf per bird and see how they do then. Overcrowding often causes conflict and new babies prow so quickly, space that was adequate two week ago is too crowded now.
[COLOR=333333]QUOTE: Well I Am Very Confused [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]:barnie [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]I Told Before I Got A 4-6 Month Old Hen And Roo Bearded Silkie And A 4-6 Week Old Female Bearded Silkie And I Have A Tub That Is Holding My 4-6 Week Old Silkie Female Bearded My Non-Bearded Male Silkie , My Male Millie D'uccle, And My Three Cochins, and 3 or 4 productive reds? And I Went Out There To Clean And Feed Them And My Female Bearded Silkie Is Balling Up, Pecking, And Chest Budding And Fighting With My Male Millie D'uccle? Is That Normal Or Is She Agressive She Does Attack All The Other Ones In The Tub But Then It Stops Then She Does It Again, What Should I Do? She Is The One Egging It On Not My Male. If Anyone Can Help Me With Some Info Soon As Possibly I Will Be Great Full.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]How do you know your 4-6 week old silkie is female? It would be rare to be sure of sex by that age unless DNA tested. I usually can't tell before 3 months with most of mine and much later for some. "She" may be a rooster. How much room do you have in the tub? As chicks get bigger they need more room. Once you move them to a larger space, there may be less conflict. Or maybe he/she is just mean. But you may want to wait until you can get them moved to a larger space with at least 10 sf per bird and see how they do then. Overcrowding often causes conflict and new babies prow so quickly, space that was adequate two week ago is too crowded now.  [/COLOR]

My silver laced wyandottes did that in their tub. Now that they are in the coop they have settled down quite a bit. They are all pullets. :)

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