Silkie thread!

If anyone can help me .. 3 week old standard size silkie :/ I'm thinking a roo... We're not allowed to have roosters is there a such things as a quiet rooster ? :( thank you for any help ..


At 3 weeks of age, your guess would be as good as anyone's. Silkies are notoriously difficult to sex and I fear that you will have to wait several weeks more to know with any certainty whether it's a roo or not, unless of course he is an early crower. :)
Not sure if this is a better shot ? I will say all 4 hens follow "it" around .. So I don't know if that means anything. Thank you for your input


I'll be sure to repost another picture .. I'm not sure if it is roo where to post to find him a good home :( I reside in ocean twp
as far as I can tell right now, it's a cute little rooster.
Question... So the assumption is that 2-4 of our silkies are roosters ... I think we are hoping really hard it's just 2-3 lol... We can keep a rooster but how do people rehome scraggly teenaged silkie roosters... Advice appreciated because I'm not sure what to do with them lol they're so little

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