Silkie thread!

If the others still have a very flat comb area, and "Bridget" is the only one starting to have a swell in the area... I'm afraid she may instead be a Beau(Bridges).
On the bright side... it would give you a trio.

It's hard to tell the sex on silkies until past 3 months... and sometimes you can't be sure until more like 6months.
Well... I'm glad someone else finds him handsome. Cuckoo is narrower barring, correct?
And I have no other cuckoos... so, no offspring for him.
But he is well loved.
Bribing neighbors with free eggs can get one in trouble too if the neighbor is a crackpot to report it.  Some regions don't allow backyard eggs to be distributed so if one doesn't get in trouble for being reported on noise, one could get in trouble for distributing backyard eggs.  At one time backyard flocks were considered a way to keep breeds from going extinct and for families to raise their own food but now that the poultry industries have profitably soared in the last couple decades they want to eliminate backyard competition and have authorities in their pocket to blame backyard flocks as disease carriers and smelly nuisances when it's the industrial poultry farms where the reported diseases and foul conditions are found.

Sheesh. What has our world come to. It's just crazy. As long as the chickens don't make a ruckus at night and aren't attacking children or neighbors they should just mind their own business.
If the others still have a very flat comb area, and "Bridget" is the only one starting to have a swell in the area... I'm afraid she may instead be a Beau(Bridges).
On the bright side... it would give you a trio.

It's hard to tell the sex on silkies until past 3 months... and sometimes you can't be sure until more like 6months.


What does 'Beau Bridges' mean doh?

I know she is a hen as had 3 eggs laid from 3 in one day and she has been broody .Ah! Geddit now tee hee.

They are all hens am sure of that much tee hee. Do hens get a swelling on their comb, please? If I hadn't recently had the 3 eggs laid in the same day I would question it>

Thanks lovely
I did a photo shoot tonight as everyone was out of the coop so took some pics of a few....enjoy! Lol
Miss Jane, my turquoise dyed splash hen:

Jake (from State Farm) partridge roo:

Flo (from progressive) partridge pullet:

Mad Max, 3 month old splash roo:
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I have a not so refined group of Silkies... I probably should have had more patience before purchasing them, but I never intended them to be anything other than pets and broodies for my other chooks.
They have stolen my heart!

Obviously from a very MIXED pen, I was looking for partridges or blue partridges, and all I found after a couple of months was a small group of "3 partridge 2 splash" chicks.
What I actually got was one Barred with leaky red. (very pale skin/eye)
One Spalsh with leaky partridge.
Two silver partridge with paleish skin/eye (I'm blaming the barred in the pen). I actually love this color, but wish the skin and eye was darker.
And one partridge leaning heavy to red. No black chest.

Lou, my barred (leaky red) roo... He is the sweetest! He begs for cuddles.
Next to him is one of the Silver Parts.

Here is the whole crew, along with a few of my regular crew(Spangled OEGBs and SS).
R to L: Lou the barred roo, Pepsi a bad example of a partridge, Pippin and Pepper the Silver pair(some ppl call this Moorehead?), and Shushu who is extraordinarily fluffy and nice splash(for such mixed heritage) with some partridge leaking in there.

These guys have inspired me to actually get some nicer quality Silkies/Showgirls.
My preferred color is still partridge or blue partridge... and the silvers. But I do love the Splash look.
These mixed up heritage kids will have a forever home here as sweet lap sitters and yard peckers.
But trust me... Lou will not be fathering any chicks! I kinda hope he becomes one of those great silkie dads I've read about.

Aaawww they are beautiful babies xx
So I'm better off without the Roos for now and purchase what I want until I become a better chicke mom what size of a flock is a good size ? thank you for your help :D

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