Silkie thread!

Lol Sylvester that is too cute my girl has a crusty crest as I fed her some yogurt that I found hidden in the back of the fridge.
Thanks for the tip I need them something to think about!

My hens like yogurt too. I get them the plain no-flavors Greek yogurt (I happen to get Trader Joe's 0% fat) because we noticed there's higher grams of protein in Greek yogurt rather than lower grams of protein in ordinary yogurts. The higher fat content yogurt can be used in winter but during summer (which is almost all the time in our climate) we use 0% fat content yogurt.
Not sure I'm cut out to be a silkie mom, if he's even a Silkie. This drama queen is so loud he wakes me up at night. If he steps in wet poo he runs around screaming till he gets it off lol. The smallest but loudest. Seems like a lot of feathers that stick straight up in the air for a silkie. Was told by breeder he is a silkie, maybe he just needs to feather out more?!

Our littlest Silkie (Black) is our noisiest chicken in the flock. She was so-o-o quiet when we picked her out of a flock of 12 but she turned into a spunky squawker! Could your Silkie be a frizzle-feathered Sizzle Silkie w/ those curled feathers? Maybe someone on this thread can tell better.
Ha ha, is her name pig pen? She looks hilarious!

She's been the comedienne in our flock for 5 years! She's the littlest, the spunkiest, the noisiest, the fastest, the first to come running when she sees us. Here she comes running leading the flock! She's always darting about and I swear she never has more than one foot on the ground at any one time!

She's quite a chow hound and packs away more food than some of the large fowl! She's also prone to CRD (respiratory) issues so we watch her closely -- I have to take her to the vet any time she gets anything from head-shaking to severe wheezing. Lately, w/ keeping her out of the rain to prevent skin soaking, and w/ added Rooster Booster vitamins to the flock's feed, and extra 1x/week children's no-iron Poly-Vi-Sol a single vitamin drop (she loves the stuff so no problem giving it to her) she's managed to be CRD symptom-free this winter.

She's our easiest chicken to handle and visitors afraid of chickens don't mind holding the little bantam. Kids want chickens after spending time w/ our Silkies.
Anyone have buff silkie hens? I ordered one with my assortment of chicks and am curious what she might end up looking like. Plus they're soooo cute!

I think I may have a buff hen, but I'm not actually sure. I got her out of the bantam bin at Tractor Supply and have never been sure of her color. She has some black in her feathers, so not sure if she is a buff with some leakage or something different! Anyways she is a really sweet little girl!


My hens like yogurt too. I get them the plain no-flavors Greek yogurt (I happen to get Trader Joe's 0% fat) because we noticed there's higher grams of protein in Greek yogurt rather than lower grams of protein in ordinary yogurts. The higher fat content yogurt can be used in winter but during summer (which is almost all the time in our climate) we use 0% fat content yogurt.

I don't know if I agree with feeding yogurt to chickens. They are not mammals and therefore not designed to digest such.

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