Silkie thread!

Yours are gorgeous! Had I known that hatchery chicks were not as nice as breeder chicks....oh well. Next year we will go with a breeder. Sh is also taking a female. I will post pics of them. Thanks for the response!
How many females do you have? If you can put pictures of them all we can tell you which one would do best

This is the girl we are thinking about taking to the fair. She is also a buff.
How mnay do you have? I say give them baths, blow dry and fluf them up, and then check them out
once they are fluffed up and clean they look a lot different. She's nice looking though. Can you bring 3>? I would say bring the buff and the blue hens. from what I can see but I can't see the blue's head well.
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She has to take a hen and a rooster. So the buff roo and blue hen? The blue girl has very nice feathered feet and legs.
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She has to take a hen and a rooster. So the buff roo and blue hen? The blue girl has very nice feathered feet and legs.
Do they have to be a pair? Because a pair would have to be the same color. If it's just a roo and a hen, doens't have to be a "pair" then possibly. I still say bathe them and see who looks better. It makes a huge difference.
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No laundry room, no spare bathroom (we only have one and the laundry is in that tiny bathroom) no garage, my kid sleeps in the basement, and I don't have a dog crate :( unfortunately, he had to go in with the others. Too bad :( I would have liked to quarantine him, but what can I do. :(
Two quick questions:
What is the difference between lavender and porcelain silkies? Colorwise? Like can you decribe their color difference? (ie: lighter, darker, creamish, grayish)
Also, what does DQ mean?
Two quick questions:
What is the difference between lavender and porcelain silkies? Colorwise? Like can you decribe their color difference? (ie: lighter, darker, creamish, grayish)
Also, what does DQ mean?
Lavender(Self-blue) is all one uniform light blue color, Porcelain(Self-blue cream) has a light cream colored body with a lavender head and lavender underfluff.

DQ means disqualification.

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