Silkie thread!

So after all this talk of weeping eyes I go out to feed and turn some loose to free range I discover that one of my d'Uccle has a closed eye  and isn't tackling the food with her normal vigor. I bring her in put a warm wash cloth on it and get it open because is is partially crusty.  I have teramycine (sp) antibiotic ointment I got for kitten eyes. I works wonders on chickens too.  While I have her in and in good light I give her a once over looking for bugs. Vent looks good, under wings, around breast, back all look clean.  I flip up the feathers on the back of her neck in the hackle area and there is something so small I can hardly see it  and looks like it has dark red/brown stuff around it too.  I immediately take her out side and into garage to where I have my vet ward set up.  I put Ivermectin directly on the area and DE all over the bedding and give her a light to stay warm.  I went and checked the other birds in the coop and found no other bugs, but just in case I will treat them all tonight.   I have a very calm d'Uccle roo who is last in command I went a head and treated him and put him in with her and she seemed to perk up some and cuddle up by him. What could these micro bugs be and do I need to treat them any differently?

I use frontline spray. You just spray it on their neck and above or under the vent I can't exactly remember which one but I don't think it matters as long as you spray it on the skin. It's a great preventative too.
Ivermectin should kill the mites on the bird, another good one to use is Front line for cats/kittens. I wouldn't waste my money on DE I would use a poultry dust for the nest boxes. Or Sevins dust.

The DH bought the DE and didn't get the Food grade. This stuff has pictures of all the bugs it kills I think its about the same as the seven dust. I like to use the liquid seven too to get in all the cracks. This just puzzles me that only one has it. Like I said I will go tonight and give them all a squirt of the Ivermectin. I chose it before over the Frontline because I could get a whole bottle for $30 and use it until it expires verses the same money for a little dab of Frontline. I'm going to keep her in and with a light for a few days because we are expecting snow and cold temps which for me will be a blessing since I have thought I might need to order plans for a Ark since all it has done is rain all year.
The DH bought the DE and didn't get the Food grade.  This stuff has pictures of all the bugs it kills I think its about the same as the seven dust.  I like to use the liquid seven too to get in all the cracks.  This just puzzles me that only one has it.  Like I said I will go tonight and give them all a squirt of the Ivermectin.  I chose it before over the Frontline because I could get a whole bottle for $30 and use it until it expires verses the same money for a little dab of Frontline. I'm going to keep her in and with a light for a few days because we are expecting snow and cold temps which for me will be a blessing since I have thought I might need to order plans for a Ark since all it has done is rain all year. 

Are you sure you can use the kind that's not food grade? I always hear people say get food grade although again I wouldn't buy it at all.
I bought the front line spray in a bottle for cats/kittens same thing a bottle of it that will last along time. Ivermectin should get them. A way I heard Dawg say to use the sevins dust was to but a good handful in the door on the floor then hit it with a leaf blower, it goes everywhere and gets into the nooks and cracks. Ware a dust mask when you do this and give it a half hour to settle before letting the chickens back in. Best of luck on what ever you decide.
I do not like the rain, hasn't been to bad here yet but I'm sure it's coming.
I don't put it or the seven on my birds after I killed two with sevin. I just mix it in with the bedding and stir it around so that it is down in there to get the hiding bugs. I did see on the Ohio State site that they said to put the sevin in a garbage bag and then put the chicken in with its head poking out and treat them that way. That would be much easier and less wasteful than trying to sprinkle it on the bird. I did have a Avian Vet tell me to mix the sevin with cornstarch 1/2 and 1/2.

I wont be buying anymore of it... Never heard of using a leaf blower, but that is a great idea. In this mess I would be blowing sevin dough balls all over the place.... Its 46* now and supposed to drop down to 16 tonight. I'm putting down fresh hay for the Silkies to snuggle in. The Ducks will get some too. If this girl didn't have bugs she would be in side although I think the garage with a light is sufficient I just tend to be a worry wart.

Thanks for your advice I will pick up the Frontline spray when I'm at a store that has it.
I don't put it or the seven on my birds after I killed two with sevin.  I just mix it in with the bedding and stir it around so that it is down in there to get the hiding bugs.  I did see on the Ohio State site that they said to put the sevin in a garbage bag and then put the chicken in with its head poking out and treat them that way. That would be much easier and less wasteful than trying to sprinkle it on the bird.  I did have a Avian Vet tell me to mix the sevin with cornstarch 1/2 and 1/2. 

I wont be buying anymore of it...  Never heard of using a leaf blower, but that is a great idea.  In this mess I would be blowing sevin dough balls all over the place....  Its 46* now and supposed to drop down to 16 tonight. I'm putting down fresh hay for the Silkies to snuggle in.  The Ducks will get some too.  If this girl didn't have bugs she would be in side although I think the garage with a light is sufficient I just tend to be a worry wart.

Thanks for your advice I will pick up the Frontline spray when I'm at a store that has it.

Wow killed your birds! How did that happen :( I wouldn't want to put it right on the bird either I would rather go with ivermectin or FL. I would think the ivermectin would work as well as FL. Down to 16 Burr, hurry up summer!
here's my black and splash silkies hopefully they will make awesome chicks.
It is cold here! I took some pics tonight of the indoor silkies. They are all going to be indoors by Sunday night. Lows in the -teens until Wednesday Yuck!
Mommas on broody break. Dinner and horrific broody bomb time.

Henley (flash makes her colors redder than they are)

Gracie now Grayson I believe

Photo bombing Lumi, I wonder if her beak will ever turn blue

Grayson(cie) its s mystery. I think boy though

Miss Bell. The flash really pulls out her leakage. She is a sweet girl though


It is cold here! I took some pics tonight of the indoor silkies. They are all going to be indoors by Sunday night. Lows in the -teens until Wednesday Yuck!
Mommas on broody break. Dinner and horrific broody bomb time.

Henley (flash makes her colors redder than they are)

Gracie now Grayson I believe

Photo bombing Lumi, I wonder if her beak will ever turn blue

Grayson(cie) its s mystery. I think boy though

Miss Bell. The flash really pulls out her leakage. She is a sweet girl though


Cuties =) Same here with lows in the negatives, highs in the single didgets =/ I will let them deal with it, I JUST broke and put heat lamps with my babies but only because I have week olds and I just found one almost frozen to death. Brought him in and warmed him up and he's good as new andback with the rest. Poor wee baby...
I covered the door of the coop up and put hay down for them to walk on anf give the boys a nice fluffy pile to sleep in. Luckily their coop didn't flood today when it rained. No lights fo them. I wouldn't worry so much about them if it wasn't 46* today, but I guess its time for some winter weather for at least a few days.

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