Silkie thread!

Those toes look rather fat for a Silkie. You should also trim his nails. If roos are fed protein or calcium rich feed ie layer pellets , it makes them susceptible to gout.

Every one needs Epsom salts in their first aid kit. Great for flushing toxins internally and soaking externally . I always have a box on hand for suspected poisoning. A good antibiotic spray is also a must. I keep a can of Terramycin and have used on horses, goats, chickens and cows.
well i need to get some epsom salt
My silkie rooster sits down a lot. He struts around for a while, then lays down. He will even sit in front of the food and eat. I am worried there is something wrong with his legs as he is so sedentary. I don't have much experience to compare his behavior, but have a hunch something is hurting and making him sit down a lot. (He really could just be lazy for all I know) I felt his legs/thighs and nothing seemed out of place or swollen. I was able to move his legs around and they moved smoothly, nothing popped or felt out of place. He didn't seem to mind me poking around him either. I checked his feet to see if he had anything poking him and everything looked okay. Does anyone have a suggestion on what else I can check or what to look for? SamanthaDixie : I believe you were having an issue with one of your chicken's legs, how did you know something was wrong under all those feathers?
I had a hen that was hobbled by a piece of string she'd picked up in the feed shed. By the time I realized she was in trouble the string had wrapped around both feet so tight that her little toe was looking pretty bad. I had to sit with her and unwind the string , about a metre .In Some toes the string had cut though almost to the bone. With the string removed I soaked her feet in Epsom salts and warm water, dried then sprayed her entire feet with Terramycin . She hasn't looked back since, her little toe is a little ' munted ' but that's ok.
I have to pick up strings daily from the tarps that I have. They shred in the wind, and leaved strings. I've had to unwrapped little toes and feet a lot. I cut them now when they start coming loose and hanging.
I dont really have any right now. :( My pullets all started laying, and they are all mixed into one coop for now, so I dont have any idea which hen or pullet is laying what. Some of the pullets are in with their brothers right now, so not hatching eggs until I get it sorted out. You got the last shipment before the chaos started HAHA! Soon  I will have more though if anyone wants to keep me in mind. I have pics of my flock on my profile.
now the pressure is on...I just put everyone into lock down a little bit ago!
Just put a test run of my Silkie pen in. 19 eggs. :) I have 2 blue roos, 2 splash hens, 1 black frizzle, & 1 white Sizzle. I loaded the incubator with 45 eggs, but I'm most excited about these Silkies. Oh and I have 14 in the brooder. I have orders from 3 different people, but I want to pick the best to keep so I'll hold on to them for a bit.
I have to pick up strings daily from the tarps that I have.  They shred in the wind, and leaved strings.  I've had to unwrapped little toes and feet a lot.  I cut them now when they start coming loose and hanging. 

Apparently it's fairly common. Of course it doesn't help that feathered feet conceal the problem. I make a point now of checking feet at night when they are on the perch.
Just put a test run of my Silkie pen in. 19 eggs. :) I have 2 blue roos, 2 splash hens, 1 black frizzle, & 1 white Sizzle. I loaded the incubator with 45 eggs, but I'm most excited about these Silkies. Oh and I have 14 in the brooder. I have orders from 3 different people, but I want to pick the best to keep so I'll hold on to them for a bit.

I'm interested in Sizzles, too, if you have any left to sell. <3 -Pam Pittman

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