Silkie thread!

Thank you so much for pointing that out! I keep epsom salt around for bee stings-it greatly reduces swelling if you soak the sting in epsom salt dissolved in warm water. If I can get the Terramycin spray, do you just spray on the affected areas? 

I've trimmed their nails before, but this one has been difficult to catch. Any tips on what kind of trimmer to use on their nails and how to avoid hitting the quick?

Epsom salts are also great in your own bath. For open wounds I flush out and remove any debris , wash down with antiseptic , dry then spray the entire area with Terramycin. Reapply daily.
I use an old pair of human nail clippers. The beauty of these is you can't cut too much off at once. Treat them like black dog nails , a little at a time. Keep some corn flour or cayenne pepper around to stem any bleeding that may occur.
the leg is looking a lot better now. if i were to soak the leg in salt water, should it be cold or hot?

About as warm as you would have your own bath. Have you been able to remove the band? I still think you should get this little one to the vet. He will remove the offending item and then treat. Apart from the obvious pain , there will be infection.

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