Silkie thread!

I use a Dremel with a sanding tip lightly on the beak and toenails. They seem to like it better. I guess the noise soothes them. I keep it very low, and make sure that it doesn't get hot. I think those nail trimmers are pretty much like a Dremel.

I completely forgot I got a Dremel set for a gift a couple years ago. Remodeling the house I've put so much away forgot I had it. Thanks for the tip!
I put a x-tra large metal dog food pan in the coop with the DE in it.
They play in it some, making a mess.

We tried a small dog house outside, but rain got in it and made concrete.

With all the controversy about using DE and the dangers about getting it in lungs, eyes, etc., I chose to give away my unopened bag of food grade white pure DE. It isn't that effective as a pest control either from the countless reviews I've read and my egg seller friend's disappointing experience with it. When there's a warning on a label not to breathe or get into eyes for humans, what will it do to a chicken's smaller body parts?
Dust bathing is as natural as eating for chicks. My SLW took her 13 chicks for a dust bath in my pine mulch. Watching them is hilarious, at first they run in looking at mum cause they think momma has found ' the mother load ' of worms. They then realise that this is fun and under they go, scratching and rolling , all the time getting under mums feet.

And here's my youngest Silkie learning to do the ' dirt bath shuffle '.

Oh come on mum, shift over.
More chickie butts PLZ ! Just too adorable !
With all the controversy about using DE and the dangers about getting it in lungs, eyes, etc., I chose to give away my unopened bag of food grade white pure DE. It isn't that effective as a pest control either from the countless reviews I've read and my egg seller friend's disappointing experience with it. When there's a warning on a label not to breathe or get into eyes for humans, what will it do to a chicken's smaller body parts?

I never paid attention to the label.

I watch my chicks try to bury themselves in the pine shavings.
It's kind of funny, they almost roll onto their backs.

(I change the shavings every other day so they don't roll in their poo;
plus I don't like the odor, they probably don't either)
i must say that i am sorry for the poor attempt at a bad joke about lucy i know it breaks your heart to think that may well be a real possiblity it breaks my heart to hear that... back to maggie i had one of my 3 week old jump on top of the water bottle and was suprised just sat there with this oh crap what do i do now look it was funny

it's okay. she's doing fine so far. will soak the leg 2 more times today, and get some images.

also, my sister put her feathers in a hairclip afterwards, and will get an image of that!

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