Silkie thread!

My main boy right now. He was such a gorgeous cockerel, and as he's matured, he's lost a bit of his beauty, but he's still a handsome guy. His comb has gotten larger and made his crest push back more and lose some of its 'poof', and his little wattles have pushed his beard down, but his tail has raised up more. If I put him up away from the girls, his crest would probably regain some of its former glory, but he's so good with his hens and adoptive chicks.
Here he was last summer:

Such a pretty boy. Such a fab crest.
he's really handsome! beautiful creast on him
My main boy right now. He was such a gorgeous cockerel, and as he's matured, he's lost a bit of his beauty, but he's still a handsome guy. His comb has gotten larger and made his crest push back more and lose some of its 'poof', and his little wattles have pushed his beard down, but his tail has raised up more. If I put him up away from the girls, his crest would probably regain some of its former glory, but he's so good with his hens and adoptive chicks. Here he was last summer: Such a pretty boy. Such a fab crest.
Oh the good old days ! None of us look as good as we did when we were teenagers. He is gorgeous !
Sylvester! I know you said you are 70 and forgetful, but come on now my friend! You didn't see these pictures I've already posted? LOL We already have three Silkies my Dear! Two hens and one rooster! They are never allowed together! I do take the two girls outside at night to eat grass and bugs. Miss Fatso Molly is always beating one pound wonder Maria up! Maria wants nothing more than a buddy! So of course she's always trying to hangout with Molly!
I have found the easy way to keep them separated! Never have to leave my chair either! We use a red laser pointer light to get them to move apart! My Moran Hen is deathly afraid of it! LOL That girl can be anywhere in the yard after dark eating bugs and grass. I tell her several times it's time to come inside. If she gets stubborn and won't come in? I get the laser and point it behind her. She darn near runs me over trying to get in the house and away from the light!

In reference to Memorial Day!!!!

My Big Boy rooster - Marvin - pictured below was beside me everytime I went outside! If I was walking he would find a cricket and try feeding it to me! I told him he could have it! And when I was sitting in the lawnchair he was standing close by. His eyes would almost close completely and then he'd see something and growl as he came to full alert! He was watching over momma today!
In the picture he's standing on the backporch looking thru the Screen/glass door watching TV. He's standing in front of where he sleeps at night. The fan on the other side of him pulls cool air out from under the house to keep his sleeping quarters nice and comfy! This area is what we call the pit area. It drops down to the ground about hip high on myself. I told my husband when he was just a tiny little chick to be very nice to that chick, because he was going to grow up to be a very large boy. He proved me right! He's a sweet boy too. We pick him up all the time and scratch around his waddles and cone for him. He loves it!

For those that don't know? A Moran rooster is always light colored as to where a hen is dark colored when they are hatched. That is a 99.9% accuracy!

In reference to Memorial Day!!!! My Big Boy rooster - Marvin - pictured below was beside me everytime I went outside! If I was walking he would find a cricket and try feeding it to me! I told him he could have it! And when I was sitting in the lawnchair he was standing close by. His eyes would almost close completely and then he'd see something and growl as he came to full alert! He was watching over momma today! :thumbsup In the picture he's standing on the backporch looking thru the Screen/glass door watching TV. He's standing in front of where he sleeps at night. The fan on the other side of him pulls cool air out from under the house to keep his sleeping quarters nice and comfy! This area is what we call the pit area. It drops down to the ground about hip high on myself. I told my husband when he was just a tiny little chick to be very nice to that chick, because he was going to grow up to be a very large boy. He proved me right! He's a sweet boy too. We pick him up all the time and scratch around his waddles and cone for him. He loves it! For those that don't know? A Moran rooster is always light colored as to where a hen is dark colored when they are hatched. That is a 99.9% accuracy!
What you are referring to is ' colour sexing ' . It works when the roo has the red gene and the hen has the silver gene. When I put my buff sussex roo over my light sussex hens all of the pullets will be darker in colour and the Roos will be yellow. A lot people use Rhode Island Red Roos over silver based hens for this reason.
Ohhhhh Yawn! You Aussies are 11 hours ahead of me! I'm heading to bed! It's 4:00 AM here, Tuesday morning! I've been up since midnight yesterday! LOL
Maria is asleep with hubby in his bed and Molly is asleep in her covered clothes basket. The roosters have been crowing off and on for hours. Nothing new there. I took Molly and Maria out one last time late in the evening to do a run around! It's supposed to start raining heavy rain today for two days. YUCK! Martha Mae keeps fussing to go back outside. It ain't happening. She likes to go in and out, in and out! Drives me nuts! I pamper her though because she's the only one laying eggs. It's a good thing we don't eat many eggs! LOL


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