Silkie thread!

Yes silkies can have single combs. It's not up to breed standard. But will make a great pet

Thanks for the info.
I have a broody silkie she isn't laying eggs but she isn't sitting on any either. She has been sitting like this for a week and I know she's eating but I don't know if she's drinking :( I am planning on getting chicks from a breeder in a couple of weeks for her. I am going to just put them under her and see what happens. My other chickens got in with her and she turned facing out and was growling and made lots of noise. But she won't hurt her partner hen. What do you guys think of the chick idea and what she is doing. :/
Haven't done it but understand it is best to do at night. If she questions where they came from tell her the egg fairy had some
How old do silkies have to be before they are full-grown? Not until they lay eggs, but just until they won't get any bigger.
Anyone here have all girls and one rooster? Question is, would being the only rooster on the property make him less vocal? Or is it individual? I'm trying to convince my husband to let me get that beautiful porcelain pair I posted a few days ago. The coop is literally under our bedroom, living room, & kitchen window.
Yikes! I have 5 girls 1 roo but he is not vocal enough if you ask me. I heard him crowing once a few days and not since. This is my first flock and he is still young but from everything I have read the silkies are naturally not as loud. Again not an expert. Someone else will probably have a better answer.
I did a search and couldnt seem to find a silkie thread so i thought i would start one... I am getting a pretty good show quality silkie on friday.

Here is one of my old silkie hens. (i believe she was either partridge or silver...) R.I.P.



Hopefully i will have better luck with my new white silkie. I am hoping  she really is good quality because i plan on showing her..

This is what she is going to looks like: (its a horrible pic and no she doesnt have red skin)

Now lets see your silkies!!!!!

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