Silkie thread!

My silkies are 4 weeks old today :)

updated pics

This picture cracked me up!
The chickie on the right looks like he/she has a little 'strut-thing' happening there. So, so adorable!
Yes it is a silver laced polish and its a rooster female polish have a crest that is pulled back nice and pretty and the boys have crazy hair so u got a silver laced polish roo on ur hands
Trying to find my 8 1/2 week old silkie cockerel a home asap. I live between Buffalo, NY & Batavia, NY. He's FREE. Just need him gone asap. He keeps trying to get on top of my little mille fleur d'uccle & hurts her badly doing it. I tried to put him in with my RIR girls & they weren't having it! They attacked him with a quickness. Someone please help! It sucks cause I really like him, I just like my d'uccle better. I already posted in the classifieds on here, Craigslist, Facebook, you name it...



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