Silkie thread!

How old did you say she/he is? If they can still do things like walk around in the grass and especially if you've seen her sun bathe or take a dust bath (or other things chickens enjoy), I would let her keep on unless she seems in pain. I had a one-legged silkie (raccoon ripped off her other leg so I stitched up the hole in her body) and she got around fine hopping on one leg. I gave her to a friend that keeps her birds indoors though, since it was too sad watching her get mated (the roosters would hop on her and press her right to the ground and she couldn't get away from them).
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I may just euthanize her. MO eyes is getting tight and I just spent 800 on cat surgery. I noticed she doesn't really stand with the others and it's harder for her tonwalk. I work at animal shelter.. maybe I can talk my boss into it. I don't want her to suffer. But first I'll try vitamins for a while
Before you do that make a post with her pictures on the Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread and the Turkey Talk 2014 threads. Their are several people on those threads who are very good at doctoring their birds and may have some suggestions for you that will help.
Is my paint silkie show quality?






Hi! I have some eggs in the bator (some possibly silkies, got them from a friend). It's the 21st day today and I was wondering if I have to remove the egg turner. Shouldn't they start hatching soon? :D Soo excited to see them!
I have hatched eggs before but I've never used an egg turner.
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Hi! I have some eggs in the bator (some possibly silkies, got them from a friend). It's the 21st day today and I was wondering if I have to remove the egg turner. Shouldn't they start hatching soon? :D Soo excited to see them!
I have hatched eggs before but I've never used an egg turner.

I was under the impression you stop turning eggs at day 18. So I would say yes remove it!
Sheldon my blue boy has been babysitting the littles and their momma in the coop. They have an in coop brooder now. He stays by them quite a bit. Casper my white almost 6 month old boy is getting big! He changes every week. The little seven week olds have some silly colors. For being born partridge, all but the white and blue, they are feathering out really crazy! My little blue has a crooked comb from a struggle hatching, but I think its endearing. :) Here some rainy day pics.


The littles

These beards! LOL

Little crooked face. I love her. :)

Sorry for the huge post. :)
Oh yeah also, not to be gross, but the littles poo looks funny. I put ACV in their water today. It looks like undigested crumbles, but it also looks like tape worm segments.
They are healthy and not thin, so I'm not sure. Has anyone seen poo like this? CAUTION GRAPHIC!


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