Silkie thread!

Anyone have adult female silkies for sale? I am looking for bearded at least breeder quality already laying female silkies. I know that is a lot to ask for but I bought 5 chicks and they were ALL ROOSTERS!!!!
Anyone have adult female silkies for sale? I am looking for bearded at least breeder quality already laying female silkies. I know that is a lot to ask for but I bought 5 chicks and they were ALL ROOSTERS!!!!
Sorry! You might mention where you are located...

This little momma will not budge from her eggs, I have to pick her up take her outside for potty break and a snack, she's not drinking which concerns me nor is she turning her eggs, she just plops right back on them.

This little momma will not budge from her eggs, I have to pick her up take her outside for potty break and a snack, she's not drinking which concerns me nor is she turning her eggs, she just plops right back on them.
Do you watch her 24/7? Broody mamma's usually only leave for something like 15 minutes a day.
I have had this problem with a couple of my silkie hens & I put water & food where they can reach it from their nests. I cleaned their nests each day as well. Lots of work but success!
Do you watch her 24/7? Broody mamma's usually only leave for something like 15 minutes a day.

Yes I've been watching her closely, I have her in a nest box inside the house. She will not eat, drink or poo any where around her nest. I have to take her out for a break and she eats but will not drink. She's off the nest for 3-5 minutes max. I've been watching this one like a hawk, she also had a grass impacted crop when she started broody mode. The article on here about giving them dulcolax, massage snd water works! I was going to try and break her but I decided that maybe being broody will give her crop sometime to rest. It's gone completely down now

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