Silkie thread!

The gal I got my silkies from hatched them from somebody she ordered eggs from she never did tell she said it was a silver but he's turning into more spots on his feathers an I noticed his tail feathers are light brown spots? Maybe due to the sun I'm new to silkies and I'm learning I thought somebody could tell me more .

I can't see the brown in the pic , but if there is blue in the parentage , could be splash.
I can't see the brown in the pic , but if there is blue in the parentage , could be splash.


This is the wing
I guess I'll know which when he grows out more haha
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I have two silkies, a black and white one. I was always sure that the black one (who is about two weeks older, they are both about three months) was a rooster, and one morning he began making a crow-like sound. But he hasn't done it since. My white one is much smaller in size, and showed hen like behavior, and was always much more dominant. She was at the bottom of the pecking order. The two silkies always seemed to protect each other, and I was sure that maybe they were in love haha. She always copies the black Silkie, maybe she is just trying to do what he does? Could anyone try to tell what gender she is? I heard sometimes a hen Silkie will crow when around roos.
Possible pullet

Possible Pullet

Hi everyone, loving this thread as I am a new owner to 3 silkies (2 are looking like pullets and 1 I dont know yet). I just want to keep on getting them out to love them all the time as there just so cute. Here are my crew.

Unsure, girl or boy?

A,Pied silkie

I got a new silkie to keep my lonely Roo company but have no idea what color he/she is. Anyone have any ideas? Also I have an update on the crowing! We have been locking him up at night and covering his cage and no crowing at 3am or anytime in the middle of the night. We don't necessarily care that he crows all he roams the yard freely. But crowing problem solved!

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