Silkie thread!

Well if they are both roosters then I'll have four hens and two roosters, does it matter that the hens are Gold sex links and not silkies or bantams? Also space is not an issue except when they are in their house but they'll only be in there at night. I have 16 acres although only like 2 of the 16 acres are cleared. Is that enough for 2 roosters and 4 hens? 

My silkie boys have no trouble covering a LF. I have several ' wilkies ' ( wyandottes /silkie ) . Both sexes ' chest bump ' . :)
One of my wilkies.


What is this color?!! I've been trying to figure out as I have 2 buff hens but they have black on their neck and tail feathers, and she/he doesn't!!

It's more of a pale blue/white

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Well mine may not get here til then it seems. As of this morning no babies yet but yesterday was the earliest they could have started to hatch. They started sitting sometime between the 4th -6th so it might be tomorrow. It's like watching paint dry but worse because at least I could actually SEE the paint. In this case I just have to imagine what's going on under them lol

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