Silkie thread!

i have 2 silkie chicks that hatched the same day but one is still teeny tiny, he/she is usually a spunky (kinda a bully) one while the bigger one is more chill however the last couple days, the little one has really seemed to stop growing and is quite a bit less active, should i be worried?
I wouldn't worry just yet. It's hard to tell if something is wrong this early if the little guy is just smaller. I had a Polish chick who seemed to stop growing, so I did a ton of research to see what the problem could be and ended up expecting some horrific death for the little guy. While the other chicks more than doubled in size, he remained tiny and liked to hang out closer to the brooder plate. Several weeks later, he suddenly started growing. He also grew a comb and wattles as he shot past the other chicks in size. Try not to worry, take care of them the best you can, and just wait it out. I hope all will be okay.
I have a silkie I think is a hen, but she's a bit aggressive. She's gotten more aggressive since I gave her brother away. I have no other silkies. Should I get her a new silkie friend or just remove and reintroduce her to combat aggressive behaviors?
I have a silkie I think is a hen, but she's a bit aggressive. She's gotten more aggressive since I gave her brother away. I have no other silkies. Should I get her a new silkie friend or just remove and reintroduce her to combat aggressive behaviors?

I have two Silkie sisters that are inseparable And I've noticed when hatching and raising multiple breeds that they end up associating with their own kind . So maybe it did throw her into a tizzy .
Question, I just recently acquired some paints she told me one was a black split paint, but they all three look the same? Does it really matter when it comes to breeding? They are young still like 2 months maybe.
So she would probably be happier with another silkie? I loved her brother he was docile but I can't keep a roo where I live. I was looking at chicks, but should I look closer to her same age? She is 7 mo. My EE gets along with her, but she still is a bit aloof from the flock.
Also I read that silkies are supposed to be super nice and docile but my two silkies are super skidish and freak out if I pick either of them up. Why is this?

Silkies are short and anything that looms overhead, including us humans to pick them up, will cause them to be skittish naturally - a predator defense mechanism in chickens. We sit or crouch with treats to get the Silkies to come to us and then we use the "judge's hold" to pick them up. Slip one hand under their breast between their legs and with the other hand hold the wings down so the Silkie can't flap. Then we hold the Silkie close to our torso (no squeezing hard) to make it feel secure. The idea of this type of picking up is to avoid touching their egg reproductive sides. It takes a little practice before chicken and human get accustomed to this. We pick up all our breeds this way and it's been the best method for us. I have one Silkie that trembles when we pick her up she gets so excited because she knows (at least I think it is) she is getting a special treat afterwards.
So she would probably be happier with another silkie? I loved her brother he was docile but I can't keep a roo where I live. I was looking at chicks, but should I look closer to her same age? She is 7 mo. My EE gets along with her, but she still is a bit aloof from the flock.

It's always nice that bantam breeds are not alone. I bought a 2nd Silkie juvenile for our older Silkie hen after we re-homed her brother - we're not zoned for roos. The two Silkie hens aren't what I would call the best of buddies but they do often toodle around together foraging. And sometimes they split up with one Silkie going with an LF and the other Silkie pairing off with another LF. Having 2 Silkies together as hatchmates is ideal but one of our chicks grew up a cockerel and we had to re-home the little sweetie. Hated to give him up since he was such a love. Today I don't get Silkie chicks and only buy Silkies as identifiable-sexed pullet juveniles at around 3 or 4-months-old or by guaranteed chick DNA testing from the breeder.

Our first 2 Partridge chicks given to us from day-old and one grew up a brother! He wasn't full-grown yet but his feathers were coming in so colorful!

He was the sweetest little guy at 6-months.
Question, I just recently acquired some paints she told me one was a black split paint, but they all three look the same? Does it really matter when it comes to breeding? They are young still like 2 months maybe.

Maybe they meant black split to paint (which would be a black bird that carries paint genetics). Yours aren't splits, they're paints. All of them (as far as I can tell, anyway).

Very cute!

Edited to add: Or maybe they were saying they came from a blacks? I don't know, either way though :D
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