Silkie thread!

Ok so I have a strange question, I have two silkies and I am not positive how old they are, I got them this summer and they were hatchery stock. They might be 9 months at the oldest. I got an egg the other day that was very small. It looked like a starter egg for sure, it had no yolk, I have gotten two of these the last two days. I dont really know what a silkie egg should look like, I have a white bearded and a black bearded. Any pics would be great! :) Thanks.
Hey everybody,
I posted a while ago that we were going to let my daughter pick out some silkies as pets. We've had two since Jan 3. They were 2 and 3 weeks old when we brought them home. We bought them from what I thought to be a fairly reliable source but we are fairly new to the chicken life. Especially silkies. My problem seems to be that she sold us silkies with lice. Originally I thought it was dead feather particles coupled with a DE dusting but no, they are nits. Poor silkies plus 2 buff orps (hopefully) have already had 2 baths each, cage cleanings etc. I kind of feel like we were looked at as the dumb newcomers and sold infested chickens to get them off her hands. Mostly, we are angry because we brought our daughter to get pets and she handed us infested birds. Now, if you have been selling chickens for 10 years you would know what a parasitic infestation looks like, right? Would you knowingly sell a child a sick animal that may die and feel good about that? Alright, am I going off the deep end?
They should be ashamed of themselves. Either they were careless and oblivious to the infestation or deceptive and mean. Either way, you need to call and tell them the difficulties you're having in ridding them of this preventable problem. I don't know that you have any recourse financially, but they should be aware that you have spent a lot of time and money to solve THEIR problem. Maybe, at least they'll go treat their own stock and rid them of suffering.
You're probably right. I should at least attempt to raise the issue in case they are oblivious. It's just a bit of a frustrating situation. I am glad that we got them young and are raising them in the garage so they were never really introduced to the other 7. We did an inspection of the older gals though just to make sure. Everyone in the yard was clean.
They should be ashamed of themselves. Either they were careless and oblivious to the infestation or deceptive and mean. Either way, you need to call and tell them the difficulties you're having in ridding them of this preventable problem. I don't know that you have any recourse financially, but they should be aware that you have spent a lot of time and money to solve THEIR problem. Maybe, at least they'll go treat their own stock and rid them of suffering.

agreed !!
I, obviously , wasn't the "seller" to cindilou, but I do sell alot of birds, and I think a more reasonable train of thought should be taken here. First, the moment you noticed the lice, you should have contacted the seller. At least then, the seller would have been given the opportunity to tell you how to treat the birds, or could have offered you a refund; also, the seller would now also be aware, and could have treated their own flock. Lice are a common and recurring problem in poultry. I would rather assume the seller was unaware that the birds they sold you had lice. Lice multiply rapidly... yes, a true "infestation" should have been noticed by the seller.
Though all of my birds are on a monthly parasite prevention plan, I HAVE found lice on them before, and of course, treated it immediately.
Just my .02
A bird who is cold ruffles out its feathers, making it look fluffier (or fatter or whatever you want to call it), but it is the same amount of feathers. You can see it in wild birds, too.

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