Silkie thread!

I have a question... I have four silkies in a rabbit hutch that I put plastic on all the the exposed sides. Now I live where the temps could get down to -15 at night. It is warming up lately. I am just wondering if this is going to be enough heat for them? I have straw covering the entire bottom of the cage. Any ideas would be great.
I agree with Three Cedars Silkies.

If you look at post #1770 in this thread, you can see my chick-n-hutch (which at night I close up and put up a windblock of plywood). I don't consider this adequate for down to freezing for my silkies. They will get a 100 watt bulb even when they grow up, as it nears freezing.

Right now the light is on during the day for the Marans chicks that are in with them.

If the power goes out, my plan is to put them in the brooder (another chick-n-hutch) in the garage (insulated).
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Im about to purchase a silkie. Shes 18 months old. Are the housing and winter heat requirements different than other chickens due to their unusual feathers? I know its probably a dumb question but I honestly don't know.
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crazyforchicks~~something else I would change---I'd use shavings instead of straw. I've had bad experiences of Silkies getting the straw wrapped around and through their heavily feathered feet and 5 toes. Plus, deep shavings are good for snuggling down into for warmth.
Brody's Broodello :

Pretty Matt, who did you get him from?

Yeah Matt fess up! Good splashes are hard to come by, I might need to check out your source & see if I can find one for me.

Ahhhh nevermind!
I"m trying to find a couple straight black silkie and showgirl hens for sale. My daughter wants to show them. Does anyone have any for sale or know where I might be able to find them??? I'm hoping to go to the Newnan show too!
Just got my first silkie. It seem she can't see her food very well. Do you guys recommend trimming around their eyes? I did give her a bath and sanitary trim. She had poo all over feathers at the rear. Any help would be great.


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