Silkie thread!

The color is fine... A little darker mulberry is preferred... I personally do not like the bumps, but I've seen them on many Showgirls and non-bearded and a few Lavender.... The size is fine. Smaller is preferred... A comb is only 4 points. walnut shapped... line in the middle... good
Combs are one of the easier things to fix.... If that boy is 8 months old, the color will settle down later on... Just my opinion
The color is fine... A little darker mulberry is preferred... I personally do not like the bumps, but I've seen them on many Showgirls and non-bearded and a few Lavender.... The size is fine. Smaller is preferred... A comb is only 4 points. walnut shapped... line in the middle... good
Combs are one of the easier things to fix.... If that boy is 8 months old, the color will settle down later on... Just my opinion

Thank you! Great information!
I don't like it either. He is non-bearded. I like the bearded ones better
About debugging! I use Frontline spray not frontline plus! It is getting very hard to get, took it off the market. But said it is coming back.
Thank you very much everyone! They are blues. They are my first chicks from my SQ stock, so I've been anxiously awaiting them! My roo took a little longer than expected to get the mating thing down....haha. I'm SO happy with how they turned out! They all have really nice toes/spacing. I can't wait to hatch more and then start selling their eggs in the fall!
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