Silkie thread!

I wish I knew earlier about Joe17...I just bought 2 doz of CJ's eggs being delivered end of Nov.

I have silkie fever!!!!
I went and picked up my first ever hatching eggs and came home with 3 white (2 month old) and 1 blue (2 weeks old) and then hatched 6 chicks which are now 3 weeks old...and then i ordered these other eggs from CJ...I didn't tell anyone here about that
duc.gif's going to be a surprise...I am hatching them for Christmas Eve...I am hoping it will be one of those 'happy' surprises!
I have a silkie question because this is the first year we've had them, and I am still learning about them.

We have 3 silkies, and we live in an area that gets snow. I have heard from some people that they don't stay warm in the winter like other breeds of chickens because they have different types of feathers, but others have said they still have the ability to retain their body heat and keep warm, same as any other breed.

Are there any recommendations for winterizing my silkies?

I think as long as they dont get wet, they can stay warm ppl in Canada raise them as well as northern states. Ive heard that too, but I dont think its true.
thank you!
i stood out there for a bit yesterday, and this morning, trying to gather as many of their features as i could. i BELIEVE, i have 4 hens and 3 roos. three are much bigger than the others, and those three also are the only ones with combs at all. one of those three has the big tumor looking one. and the other two don't. same goes for their crests. the 4 appear to have poof balls. one of the three i believe to be roos has the pointy crest and the other two are kinda non descript. these are all pet quality silkies anyway.

the only reason i really care at this point is because all my birds free range together during the day. and i am not really crazy about unidentified roosters having fun with my girls, LOL!!! my identified rooster rarely, if ever, crows. i've only heard him maybe 4 times? and it's usually in the middle of the day. so, a random roo could be in my mists for a good long while before i would ever know. in fact, my identified roo was sold to me at 6 mo of age as a hen!!!!! LOL. apparently he was ALWAYS in the hen house sitting in a nesting box. when he first started mounting my hen ( that i knew was a hen because she was laying) i thought 'he' was just a gender confused hen!!! he crowed the next week, but only once.

i have 12 fertile eggs and as of this AM 5 are born. i have no idea what i'm going to do with all these cute little fluffy butts!!! i figure i'll figure something out in the next 2 months!!


I think as long as they dont get wet, they can stay warm ppl in Canada raise them as well as northern states. Ive heard that too, but I dont think its true.

Getting wet is their biggest threat but that's true for all breeds. People in states like Minnesota raise them, they're biggest complaint during the Winter moths are frozen waterers.

Deep shavings, enough room if confined because of wet conditions and they should be fine.
God I wish I had the money for these, they are beautiful. I'm not even sure I can take the grey any more.
I need hens badly, my boys are getting antsy, I had to break up my two roos last night and seperate them. I have three roos and only 2 hens
Silkie feathers are VERY good at insulating. Silkies are native to China, where it gets EXTREMELY cold in winter. If they are able to stay dry, and have a coop that is the right size for the number of birds, they should be fine. Make sure the coop is well-ventilated, though.
I am sitting here like a deer in the headlights

How in the world did I end up with Joe's eggs??
I wasn't even biddingg on Joe's eggs...

Thank you Joe17

I don't know if I'm having a good week or a bad week but I need to step away from the computer.

I ruined my chance to go to Nationals by buying Chris's eggs. Then decided I needed another coop and bough one at auction Saturday. Then decided to fill up the bator with Joe's eggs.
$1000 later I am sitting here stunned.


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