Silkie thread!

Debbi is on "dialup" so it literally takes her DAYS to upload one photo so I'm sure she's cursing us both now!!!
No, not cussing anybody! The last pic I uploaded only took 26 minutes! That and my very poor photography skills, doesn't make for great pics. I'm still trying to figure out this new camera too. I'm sure the camera can capture it, it's just me!
You haven't lived until you've bathed a Silkie!! I highly recommend it!
(It really is QUITE entertaining .... )
Oh, I'm sure it is, especially around this nut house!
I'd have Pip trying to kill me, the dog trying to kill Pip, the Silkie flailing while soaking wet and jumping out of my arms to run amuck in the house, the dog trying to catch the Silkie...I think I'll wait till I am very bored some day.
Nope, haven't had that pleasure yet!
It is most likely the corn is still in the feathers. The thing that gets me is why it is only in the hackles? Are the hackle feathers that much lighter that they would pick up the color easier? It is not a dull yellow like I would expect from sun either, it is very shiney. They aren't going to any shows in my near future, so I'll just watch it and see where it goes, especially after the adult molt.
I had a couple of white silkies, just pet quality that had this same issue. I was feeding cracked corn as a treat and figured that must be the problem but then I realized my chicken feed was also corn based. Since I wasn't planning to show them I didn't change anything and when they molted the new feathers were white. I think that was at 9 or 10 months.
Quote: LOL. I get the if i was bigger i will hurt you look from my silkie roo when i give him a bath.
I also think thats the only time when im giving one of this ladies a bath and they are yelling at me to stop, that hes no were in sight.
I think he knows hes next at that point.
That is exactely what I intended with the curvature of the male beak.
Good, I'm catching on.

Some day I'll know a bunch of stuff about Silkies like you people!

Your Puffle is too cute! I have a white silkie that looks nearly exactly like this, and very small. At around 4 months, he is no bigger than my golden sebright of the same age. Mine is a feed store find. My autistic daughter named him Winter when we got him. We live in Florida and she has never seen snow, but she said he looks like snow in winter.... lol.
ETA: I would say male
Smart girl!

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