Silkie thread!

It looks like you have gotten some gems there! How old are they? The splash reminds me of my girl, Pepper. 5 months in this photo. Your girl is sooo pretty!
Oh it really looks like you need some boys so you can make more beautful little silkies. I have two gorgeous white cockerels. Can you give them a home? they are from show lines?
I have BBS Catdance eggs going to lockdown tomorrow!

I love BBS Silkies. I have 7 Splash & a Blue, eight week old chicks from Northwood Silkies. Couldn't be happier with them.

My son holding Foofa.

Those are super nice chicks!
Ok so I posted this in sickness/illness section but I have not had a responce and these are my blue silkie babies!!!! so I thought I would come here for help...
I have my silkies and sebrights together in the brooder... 5 of the silkies are a week older, the other 4 blue silkies and 8 sebrights just came on Thursday...they were weaker and one of the sebrights had died and most chicks had pasty butt, which I have kept clean...they ate and drank sugar water with vitamins and all seemed great that night, the next day Friday I found my 2 year old son with one of the sebrights and I thought he had crushed it (and he may have) as it was having trouble breathing and with every gasp there was a popping sound in it's chest and it was very lethargic, eyes closed...I thought dying, well by that night it was no worse and by the next morning (Saturday) it was up and eating, I still heard some popping in its chest but it was more active so I thought it was fine...and it might be....that was yesterday, last night all was fine I checked for pasty butt, which has almost cleared up, loved on them and said good night...This morning I had one of my new blue silkies down... very lethargic, floppy feeling, with a popping coming from its chest, eyes closed, gasping and with every breath its head would bob up and down,....I freaked set up a sick box separated it and checked the rest over, and another blue baby was down...this one has a bum foot and we call it hop along :) It is very lethargic, and wont get up but is still able to eat and drink...I separated it as well...within 30 mins the bad one flipped over on its back, when I turned it over its legs stayed back, it died 5 mins later...The other is sleeping and is so far just very lethargic...The first baby that I thought was crushed still seems a little off and rests more than the rest but the popping sound has completely stopped and it eats and drinks fine...HELP!
Should I re-separate the first chick that seems fine now,
could it be the same thing and the 1st chick recovered, would it still be contagious
I am so scared I dont want to lose them all!
I fully cleaned the brooder and have the one baby separated so far and am awaiting further advice
Perhaps an upper respiratory infection - yes its contagious. How's the ventilation in the room? Are you keeping the ammonia from the poo to a min mum and are your chicks eating their poop?
Oh it really looks like you need some boys so you can make more beautful little silkies. I have two gorgeous white cockerels. Can you give them a home? they are from show lines?

Lol. Nope, I have PLENTY of roos. In fact, I have two for sale!! But in either case, you are going to need to find someone with white girls for your white boys.
Ok so I posted this in sickness/illness section but I have not had a responce and these are my blue silkie babies!!!! so I thought I would come here for help...
I have my silkies and sebrights together in the brooder... 5 of the silkies are a week older, the other 4 blue silkies and 8 sebrights just came on Thursday...they were weaker and one of the sebrights had died and most chicks had pasty butt, which I have kept clean...they ate and drank sugar water with vitamins and all seemed great that night, the next day Friday I found my 2 year old son with one of the sebrights and I thought he had crushed it (and he may have) as it was having trouble breathing and with every gasp there was a popping sound in it's chest and it was very lethargic, eyes closed...I thought dying, well by that night it was no worse and by the next morning (Saturday) it was up and eating, I still heard some popping in its chest but it was more active so I thought it was fine...and it might be....that was yesterday, last night all was fine I checked for pasty butt, which has almost cleared up, loved on them and said good night...This morning I had one of my new blue silkies down... very lethargic, floppy feeling, with a popping coming from its chest, eyes closed, gasping and with every breath its head would bob up and down,....I freaked set up a sick box separated it and checked the rest over, and another blue baby was down...this one has a bum foot and we call it hop along :) It is very lethargic, and wont get up but is still able to eat and drink...I separated it as well...within 30 mins the bad one flipped over on its back, when I turned it over its legs stayed back, it died 5 mins later...The other is sleeping and is so far just very lethargic...The first baby that I thought was crushed still seems a little off and rests more than the rest but the popping sound has completely stopped and it eats and drinks fine...HELP!
Should I re-separate the first chick that seems fine now,
could it be the same thing and the 1st chick recovered, would it still be contagious
I am so scared I dont want to lose them all!
I fully cleaned the brooder and have the one baby separated so far and am awaiting further advice
Hope you get some good advice!
This has nothing to do with silkies, but just had to share a fun thing we did today. We signed up to have a lunch with an Amish family in Yoder about an hour away from us (a large community of Amish) and we got the best lunch ever-- all fresh off the farm food. Then the family hooked up their horse and gave the kids and a few adults buggy rides! We had 15 of our family and extended family go. (grandparents, etc) Here you can see our kids all piled up in there!
Can't think of a more fun (or funner) outing!!
Ok so I posted this in sickness/illness section but I have not had a responce and these are my blue silkie babies!!!! so I thought I would come here for help...:fl  I have my silkies and sebrights together in the brooder... 5 of the silkies are a week older, the other 4 blue silkies and 8 sebrights just came on Thursday...they were weaker and one of the sebrights had died and most chicks had pasty butt, which I have kept clean...they ate and drank sugar water with vitamins and all seemed great that night, the next day Friday I found my 2 year old son with one of the sebrights and I thought he had crushed it (and he may have) as it was having trouble breathing and with every gasp there was a popping sound in it's chest and it was very lethargic, eyes closed...I thought dying, well by that night it was no worse and by the next morning (Saturday) it was up and eating, I still heard some popping in its chest but it was more active so I thought it was fine...and it might be....that was yesterday, last night all was fine I checked for pasty butt, which has almost cleared up, loved on them and said good night...This morning I had one of my new blue silkies down... very lethargic, floppy feeling, with a popping coming from its chest, eyes closed, gasping and with every breath its head would bob up and down,....I freaked set up a sick box separated it and checked the rest over, and another blue baby was down...this one has a bum foot and we call it hop along :) It is very lethargic, and wont get up but is still able to eat and drink...I separated it as well...within 30 mins the bad one flipped over on its back, when I turned it over its legs stayed back, it died 5 mins later...The other is sleeping and is so far just very lethargic...The first baby that I thought was crushed still seems a little off and rests more than the rest but the popping sound has completely stopped and it eats and drinks fine...HELP!
Should I re-separate the first chick that seems fine now,
could it be the same thing and the 1st chick recovered, would it still be contagious
I am so scared I dont want to lose them all!
I fully cleaned the brooder and have the one baby separated so far and am awaiting further advice

So sorry that you lost a chick! Last night I read a post with a similar
situation. I can't locate which thread it was under (am using my iPhone
In the car). I recall folks suggesting giving 1) yogurt, 2) Pedialyte or Gatorade,
3) VetRx and 4) a crumble feed from Jeffers Supply which contained an antibiotic.
The folks also recommended injectible antibiotics from a vet if feed with antibiotics
is not available. Please let us know how you make out.
How awful. It were me, I'd take it to a vet. they can do a quick blood test and find out what it is. If it is contagious you want to know right away. We had a chicken last year that had MS and we had to cull the whole flock. It was the most horrible thing imaginable.

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