Silkie thread!

Hawkeye, I know just where you are talking about! I went to high school in Halstead. My sister lives in Andover. We went Yoder for a class field trip. It was very enlightening!

To everyone that posted pictures today. They are great photos! Makes me have silkie envy!
Oh wow! Didn't realize you were a native Kansan. :) I love Yoder, we go down every now and then and buy up baked goods and pies.

Ok so I posted this in sickness/illness section but I have not had a responce and these are my blue silkie babies!!!! so I thought I would come here for help...
I have my silkies and sebrights together in the brooder... 5 of the silkies are a week older, the other 4 blue silkies and 8 sebrights just came on Thursday...they were weaker and one of the sebrights had died and most chicks had pasty butt, which I have kept clean...they ate and drank sugar water with vitamins and all seemed great that night, the next day Friday I found my 2 year old son with one of the sebrights and I thought he had crushed it (and he may have) as it was having trouble breathing and with every gasp there was a popping sound in it's chest and it was very lethargic, eyes closed...I thought dying, well by that night it was no worse and by the next morning (Saturday) it was up and eating, I still heard some popping in its chest but it was more active so I thought it was fine...and it might be....that was yesterday, last night all was fine I checked for pasty butt, which has almost cleared up, loved on them and said good night...This morning I had one of my new blue silkies down... very lethargic, floppy feeling, with a popping coming from its chest, eyes closed, gasping and with every breath its head would bob up and down,....I freaked set up a sick box separated it and checked the rest over, and another blue baby was down...this one has a bum foot and we call it hop along :) It is very lethargic, and wont get up but is still able to eat and drink...I separated it as well...within 30 mins the bad one flipped over on its back, when I turned it over its legs stayed back, it died 5 mins later...The other is sleeping and is so far just very lethargic...The first baby that I thought was crushed still seems a little off and rests more than the rest but the popping sound has completely stopped and it eats and drinks fine...HELP!
Should I re-separate the first chick that seems fine now,
could it be the same thing and the 1st chick recovered, would it still be contagious
I am so scared I dont want to lose them all!
I fully cleaned the brooder and have the one baby separated so far and am awaiting further advice
You have a respiratory illness or diesase going on. The popping you hear is common and is related. It's most likely fluid in the lungs-- BAD. I would say to treat with VetRX, but since you already lost a bird, this sounds much more serious. And the popping noise would indicate a much more aggressive illness. I would get to your vet and ask for injectible Baytril to give them. No more than .5cc a bird. It's not that expensive-- I paid about $30 for half a vial and ended up injecting several birds when I had something go round. Don't over dose them, the Baytril is ONCE a day. My vet had told me twice a day, and I came home and did my own reading up on it because that sounded like an awful lot of drug. Indeed, it would have killed them, and I'm glad I had the sense to double check him.

How awful. It were me, I'd take it to a vet. they can do a quick blood test and find out what it is. If it is contagious you want to know right away. We had a chicken last year that had MS and we had to cull the whole flock. It was the most horrible thing imaginable.
My vet refuses to do blood work ups on birds, he says they are carriers of EVERYthing and to pin point down what exactly it is that is causing the trouble could be difficult. So we run a broad spectrum antibiotic and hope for the best. Necropsy can be done after the bird has died to see what killed them. Not only that, but it is very difficult to get enough blood to run a lab while they are alive. Unless you have an entire flock sick and don't mind sacrificing one to save the rest for the necropsy.
My vet refuses to do blood work ups on birds, he says they are carriers of EVERYthing and to pin point down what exactly it is that is causing the trouble could be difficult. So we run a broad spectrum antibiotic and hope for the best. Necropsy can be done after the bird has died to see what killed them. Not only that, but it is very difficult to get enough blood to run a lab while they are alive. Unless you have an entire flock sick and don't mind sacrificing one to save the rest for the necropsy.
Oh that is too bad. We have a wonderful vet here in Sebastopol that specializes in chickens. She moderates a chat list here and will even answer questions via email. That;s where we took our sick chicken and got the diagnosis.
Oh that is too bad. We have a wonderful vet here in Sebastopol that specializes in chickens. She moderates a chat list here and will even answer questions via email. That;s where we took our sick chicken and got the diagnosis.
my vet does not specialize in chickens, but does treat birds. If I could find someone better, I would. We are not exactly a big city down here.
Perhaps an upper respiratory infection - yes its contagious. How's the ventilation in the room? Are you keeping the ammonia from the poo to a min mum and are your chicks eating their poop?
Yes, I put fresh paper towel down every time I go in there probably 10-15 times a day and change it all once every day...I dont like the idea of them stepping in the poo and try to keep it as clean as possible...they do like to eat the food around the feeder and will scratch it to get it out...they dont poo much there but there is some... when I see it I cover it or clean it...
Ive started them all on Vet RX on the beak and a drip in the water and some in the beak of the sick ones and am separating the previously sick one...good thing I can tell it apart from the rest...but it is fine now? and it was very bad a few days ago I did not think it would make it at all... and the other that is in quarantine never was that bad and does not have the popping sound at all ...yet and it actually seems a bit better (right now) but it could be wishful thinking....what sickness can kill one very quickly while others seem to recover very quickly (and with some getting very sick and others only a little sick?)????
it seems very odd to me???
Ok, I just moved the one...and it is very up-set to be separated...and when it peeps very loud I CAN still hear the popping sound...but it is more like a rasp..but otherwise it appears to be very healthy...and mad haha and the other has no popping sound but is lethargic but not as much as this morning...I dont want it to get sick if it is not already sick...and how long will the 1st one be contagious to the rest
Ok, I just moved the one...and it is very up-set to be separated...and when it peeps very loud I CAN still hear the popping sound...but it is more like a rasp..but otherwise it appears to be very healthy...and mad haha and the other has no popping sound but is lethargic but not as much as this morning...I dont want it to get sick if it is not already sick...and how long will the 1st one be contagious to the rest
I am no pro but you may be doing harm by keeping it too clean. From all of the research I have done, your birds need it to be a little messy. This sounds crazy to us humans but they are still chickens. When you clean too much they dont get to build up a good immunity and what is there may be growing bad bacteria. This thread explains it much better than I can. This doesnt solve your problem but may be beneficial for the future.
It is post 2703. I hope this helps someone.
Would love some opinions on these four birds, they are 7 weeks old. All have five toes and good foot feather (though you can't tell right now as they are in need of baths from playing in the water)

#1 - Black, girl I think. She's from a paint breeding

#2 - Color help, I'm thinking blue partridge, but would like some more experienced help. I'm debating whether to keep or sell this one. I think this is also a girl. This chick is about half the size of the black, but very fuzzy. Came from a different set of eggs.

#3 - blue splash, again I think a girl. She's small like #2, I'm pretty well going to sell her, but would still like some opinions on her so I can learn some more for better selection.

#4 - Picaso - paint boy, he's always had a bigger comb then the rest. When I select hens for him in the future what areas do you think I should work to improve on first?

Thank you, I look forward to your input..and don't be worried about telling me if something is really bad or not. I just want to learn so I can improve on my stock. :)
Had "Jessica" outside for a dust bath today. VERY hot here today so she loved it. Just another week of quarantine and then I can add her to the Silkie pen!! (Hoping Jess is a girl .... ).

The font is called "Satisfaction" or "Taylor Swift". (I obviously love it too!

Also heard new crowing from the Silkie pen today. Just 9 weeks old!!!!!!
And it wasn't totally pathetic so I'm thinking this wasn't likely his first time. Elliot has competition!!!

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