Silkie thread!

Hey everyone. I am new to chickens and have a few questions I was wondering if you could help me with. First I will tell you a little info on my chicks.. I have three chicks that were hatched on Oct. 1. I was told one parent is a Silkie, and the other parent is a Frizzled Cochin. They all have five toes, feathers on their feet, black eyes, skin, and beak (although the white one has more of a charcoal grey skin color and they have yellow on the tip of the beak). They are all from the same parents, and I was told that their colors are black, grey, and white. I am assuming they are all girls for now. The black one is named Lois, the white one is Leela, and the grey one is Peggy. Now for my questions.. I will post the pictures after my questions. I apologize in advanced if I don't say the correct term for things. I am still learning

1. What are their colors actually called? The white one has started devoloping parts of dark grey on top of her head, and in some feathers. The black one has started to get white on the front of her neck. I was just curious as to what you guys thought their colors may be.

2. A few days ago I noticed this blue on their skin and base of feathers. They have shoulder blade poofs as I call them, and if i move it to the side, it is bright blue. Same as the base of their feathers on their wings. Is this normal?

3. If one or two, or all for that matter, turn out to be roos, can I keep them together? Or will I need to keep them seperate? If only one turns out to be a roo, could I get him another as a friend? I am going to be keeping all three no matter what gender they may be.

4. This question is related to number 3.. If only one is a roo, could I just keep him with the girls if I collect the eggs every day? I was told that I could keep him with them, however he will mess up their feathers when he latches on to try and mate.. Is this true?

The group at 7days old.

The group again at 30days.

Leela. 30days.

Leela. 30days.

Peggy. 30days.

Peggy. 28days.

Lois. 30days.

The blue

And the blue again.
Hey everyone. I am new to chickens and have a few questions I was wondering if you could help me with. First I will tell you a little info on my chicks.. I have three chicks that were hatched on Oct. 1. I was told one parent is a Silkie, and the other parent is a Frizzled Cochin. They all have five toes, feathers on their feet, black eyes, skin, and beak (although the white one has more of a charcoal grey skin color and they have yellow on the tip of the beak). They are all from the same parents, and I was told that their colors are black, grey, and white. I am assuming they are all girls for now. The black one is named Lois, the white one is Leela, and the grey one is Peggy. Now for my questions.. I will post the pictures after my questions. I apologize in advanced if I don't say the correct term for things. I am still learning

1. What are their colors actually called? The white one has started devoloping parts of dark grey on top of her head, and in some feathers. The black one has started to get white on the front of her neck. I was just curious as to what you guys thought their colors may be.

2. A few days ago I noticed this blue on their skin and base of feathers. They have shoulder blade poofs as I call them, and if i move it to the side, it is bright blue. Same as the base of their feathers on their wings. Is this normal?

3. If one or two, or all for that matter, turn out to be roos, can I keep them together? Or will I need to keep them seperate? If only one turns out to be a roo, could I get him another as a friend? I am going to be keeping all three no matter what gender they may be.

4. This question is related to number 3.. If only one is a roo, could I just keep him with the girls if I collect the eggs every day? I was told that I could keep him with them, however he will mess up their feathers when he latches on to try and mate.. Is this true?

The group at 7days old.

The group again at 30days.

Leela. 30days.

Leela. 30days.

Peggy. 30days.

Peggy. 28days.

Lois. 30days.

The blue

And the blue again.
Don't know the answer to your questions 1&2, but as for the rooster issue I haven't had any trouble with mine so far and I have 3 roos in with 7 girls.

They sure are cute!!!
Thanks everyone for complimenting my girl. I think she's quite cute myself

Does anyone else's silkies want to stay in the coop ALL day? It's not even windy or cold here, it was close to 70 today, but they spent almost all day inside their 'pile' house, even though I had the gate open for them to free range if they wanted to. They just spent all day preening and sleeping snuggled up to each other.
Am glad someones else's Silkies do that, I really thought something was wrong!! One stays in a box that I have in there run all day, comes out to eat but she just sits there and she's not broody!
Man, I wish I new there was a mini version. The Standard one is $60.00!!! And after I bought it, there really wasn't much more in it than Story's (forgot what it's called- my brother is using it) It's like Story's Book of Poulty Breeds or something. I'm sure there is probably more in the Standard (shows wings, things). I'm not bashing the chicken bible tho!!!
It shouldn't cost $60.00 tho. Sorry- that wasn't what you were asking, and I'm gonna get slammed

I am getting the APA Standard book, and The ABA Standard mini. I figure the small paperback book will be easier to carry with me or pack. But I wanted both books. And was a little shocked at how much they were too.
I know those books are pricey!!!
KMhunter are the 2 books the same though?
Cute babies!!! So you have "sizzles" :) looks like one black and 2 splash, one darker than the other. I have one Sizzle and she is a splash and so cute. I understand they are hard to sex.. even harder than silkies :) Mine seems to be a girl... no comb and exhibits no rooster behavior but also hasnt got to the crow or lay an egg point. Mine is a bit under five months old now. Seems to see less well that the silkies but that makes her easy to catch. This is "Dahlia"

Hey everyone. I am new to chickens and have a few questions I was wondering if you could help me with. First I will tell you a little info on my chicks.. I have three chicks that were hatched on Oct. 1. I was told one parent is a Silkie, and the other parent is a Frizzled Cochin. They all have five toes, feathers on their feet, black eyes, skin, and beak (although the white one has more of a charcoal grey skin color and they have yellow on the tip of the beak). They are all from the same parents, and I was told that their colors are black, grey, and white. I am assuming they are all girls for now. The black one is named Lois, the white one is Leela, and the grey one is Peggy. Now for my questions.. I will post the pictures after my questions. I apologize in advanced if I don't say the correct term for things. I am still learning

1. What are their colors actually called? The white one has started devoloping parts of dark grey on top of her head, and in some feathers. The black one has started to get white on the front of her neck. I was just curious as to what you guys thought their colors may be.

2. A few days ago I noticed this blue on their skin and base of feathers. They have shoulder blade poofs as I call them, and if i move it to the side, it is bright blue. Same as the base of their feathers on their wings. Is this normal?

3. If one or two, or all for that matter, turn out to be roos, can I keep them together? Or will I need to keep them seperate? If only one turns out to be a roo, could I get him another as a friend? I am going to be keeping all three no matter what gender they may be.

4. This question is related to number 3.. If only one is a roo, could I just keep him with the girls if I collect the eggs every day? I was told that I could keep him with them, however he will mess up their feathers when he latches on to try and mate.. Is this true?

The group at 7days old.

The group again at 30days.

Leela. 30days.

Leela. 30days.

Peggy. 30days.

Peggy. 28days.

Lois. 30days.

The blue

And the blue again.
Hey everyone. I am new to chickens and have a few questions I was wondering if you could help me with. First I will tell you a little info on my chicks.. I have three chicks that were hatched on Oct. 1. I was told one parent is a Silkie, and the other parent is a Frizzled Cochin. They all have five toes, feathers on their feet, black eyes, skin, and beak (although the white one has more of a charcoal grey skin color and they have yellow on the tip of the beak). They are all from the same parents, and I was told that their colors are black, grey, and white. I am assuming they are all girls for now. The black one is named Lois, the white one is Leela, and the grey one is Peggy. Now for my questions.. I will post the pictures after my questions. I apologize in advanced if I don't say the correct term for things. I am still learning

1. What are their colors actually called? The white one has started devoloping parts of dark grey on top of her head, and in some feathers. The black one has started to get white on the front of her neck. I was just curious as to what you guys thought their colors may be.

2. A few days ago I noticed this blue on their skin and base of feathers. They have shoulder blade poofs as I call them, and if i move it to the side, it is bright blue. Same as the base of their feathers on their wings. Is this normal?

3. If one or two, or all for that matter, turn out to be roos, can I keep them together? Or will I need to keep them seperate? If only one turns out to be a roo, could I get him another as a friend? I am going to be keeping all three no matter what gender they may be.

4. This question is related to number 3.. If only one is a roo, could I just keep him with the girls if I collect the eggs every day? I was told that I could keep him with them, however he will mess up their feathers when he latches on to try and mate.. Is this true?

The group at 7days old.

The group again at 30days.

Leela. 30days.

Leela. 30days.

Peggy. 30days.

Peggy. 28days.

Lois. 30days.

The blue

And the blue again.
They are so curly and adorable. Love them

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