Silkie x Blue Plymouth Rock mix


Oct 13, 2019
Just in case anybody ever wants to know/is curious on what a Silkie and a BPR makes, I’m making this post to “catalogue” or inform others on what the mix may look like and/or act.

This is Leviathan, or Levi for short. She is a cross between a Silkie roo (Blue coloration) and a BPR hen. She is slightly smaller than her mother, but bigger than a Silkie hen. Levi has a small, but formidable comb, and big brown eyes that she got from Blue (the roo).

Levi is about 7/12 months old, 240 days old, but lays eggs already. Her eggs are small, and light in color. She lays every few days, and has gotten broody once. She is passive when broody, and has not once pecked me, but she will growl.

I don’t know if this is personality dependent or all mixes like her act like this, but she is naturally submissive, and is at the very bottom of the pecking order, she does, however, nip at Shadow, the only Silkie hen in the flock (and is at the very top of the pecking order). Levi is also very people oriented. She will tolerate being picked up and held in laps, but only for a bit until she wants down.

Although she is seemingly fully grown, and doesn’t show signs of growing anymore, Levi looks (in my opinion) like she is still very young, and has a certain “baby face” charm to her. Her brother, Lexus, who is a Silkie x Barred Rock mix, had similar features the last time I saw him, but I have not gotten a current picture of him since he was given to someone who can have multiple roosters.

Overall, Male Silkie x Female BPR mixes, based on Levi (and a bit from Lex) shows that they have a small egg size and production, have a very submissive/friendly, but wary disposition, have soft, but intact feathers, and look very much like a Silkie.
(This is just an observation on paper for anyone who wants a reference. I am NOT breeding and selling Silkie/PR mixes.)
Pics of Levi (and one of Lex)


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