Silkies- genders


6 Years
May 6, 2013
I have 3 cute silkies, they are slow to bond with humans, while the rest (different breeds) are really getting friendly and curious.

Can someone tell me, if you can tell if these are roosters or hens?

Thank you, for any assistance!!!!




They are 2 months old today. Thank you!!!!!!
Hmmmm, even at this stage it's really hard to tell. Mine are coming up on month 5 and I'm still not 100% on all of them. You're white and buff look like hens so far, but the black could be a rooster. But honestly silkies are hard to sex. One of my white hens thought she was a rooster. Until mid crow she popped an egg! But she looked like a rooster. Though your white silkie really looks like a hen to me.

That's odd, all of my silkies are such people chickens. Even my roosters. Maybe they just need more personal time. I noticed when I tried to mix breeds a while back, that it would cause the silkies to withdraw from human attention. At least that was my experience.

Though, sometimes they're just not people friendly. I have a few like that, but it was due to not getting enough attention when they were younger.
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I'm pretty positive the buff is a cockerel. Even though it's non bearded, a pullets wattles and comb wouldn't be that red this early. The black has a pretty small crest, which is usually a male indicator, but it looks to be partially bearded and it's head gear isn't that big. It could be a pullet, but I'd guess it's also probably a cockerel. The white will be much harder to tell. Bearding suppresses the comb and wattles, so they shouldn't be that large even if it is a male. Time will tell, unfortunately you'll have to wait a while longer.
I'm pretty positive the buff is a cockerel. Even though it's non bearded, a pullets wattles and comb wouldn't be that red this early. The black has a pretty small crest, which is usually a male indicator, but it looks to be partially bearded and it's head gear isn't that big. It could be a pullet, but I'd guess it's also probably a cockerel. The white will be much harder to tell. Bearding suppresses the comb and wattles, so they shouldn't be that large even if it is a male. Time will tell, unfortunately you'll have to wait a while longer.

I will wait until they are older and take better pictures! Wow, so all 3 of my sillkies may be cockerels!?! Wow! That means 6/12 of my chickens are roosters!!!!!!
I mean, they *could* be, but I wouldn't rehome them or anything just yet. The only one I feel certain about is the buff with the screaming red comb and wattles. If it makes you feel any better, I've been breeding Silkies for a long time, and I still can't usually tell what they are until they're around 5 months old. Except for the occasional obvious boy, which doesn't happen all that often in my line.

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