Silkies: love them or hate them?

i missed the bit about it being the only rooster... i think that's much better than a lone silkie hen. I'd still be likely get a silkie hen for him too, though. My real problem with a lone silkie hen came from my gold laced wyandottes. Black star bantams sound really cute, I love the look of the barred rock bantams, like a perfect little miniature. Those would be fun crosses for your bator, you wouldn't have any silkies in the first generation but in the second you would have 25% silkies. barred silkies would be awesome too.
I love Silkies! My silkie roo is loud and sometime crows all day long drives me nuts some days. He gets along great with the non silkie hens his main girls are 2 cochin bantams 2 silkies and to lg wyndottes he will find the littlest thing in the yard and start clucking for them all like he found some gold! They are fun to watch i can sit out for hours and watch them especially My Miss Rosie she is a big crazy
They're a ladies chicken!
Kidding, Nah they're nice I suppose but not big and bad enough for me, My cousin used to keep a couple, The problem is with the weather conditions we have in the UK they're a bugger to keep.
I think we need someone who has had a silkie roo tell us how they get along with non-silkie hens.
I sold all of my large fowl birds and my Silkies, to focus on Modern Game Bantams and my Seramas, but my Silkie cockerel's favorite girl to dance for and to ... uh.... woo, was the big Cuckoo Marans pullet :D They get along fine with large fowl girls.

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