Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

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    Votes: 796 96.0%
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    Votes: 96 11.6%

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Okay, I know this is a silkie thread, but what is a frazzle? Pics?

Mine can fly a bit, but not well. They have several "normal" feathers on their wings as they are hatchery quality, but I still love them!

I have found they give one alert when I first miss a reply, but no more (other than when my message is quoted or my name tagged). But it took me a while to figure that out:he

Glad you're here! Are you going to post pictures of your handsome silkie roo and your beautiful hen? I saw them on your into page but most of the others haven't.

Raptor and Birds Of Prey are the same. When someone says one of those they mean falcons, hawks, vultures, and ospreys. I think owls are too but everybody always forgets them (so are kites, I think).

I can't wait to see them!!!:drool

A frazzle is a chicken with two copies of the frizzle gene (vs a regular frizzle feathered chicken which has 1 copy of the frizzle gene). Their feathers are very brittle and break easily so they often look pretty scruffy/partially bald. I've heard they often have internal issues as well and commonly don't survive long. Breeders who want to breed in the frizzle gene can avoid getting any frazzle babies by making sure only one of the parents has the frizzled feathers. Some silkies have been bred to have frizzle feathers so this is not too off topic I hope. :)

I'm having some trouble finding frazzle pictures, but this thread has a picture of what I believe is a frazzle cochin on the second page.
My two. The black on is a cockerel, they are 9 weeks. He did his first crow last week because we took the gold one away for a few minutes. They do everything together and are never apart. Our easter eggers are the same age but twice the size and he keeps the cockarel of the two in line. He also has lots of different sounds to alert the 4 of them to any pending “danger” (usually our blind pug strolling by)

So I’m thinking, maybe I’ll get a blue (like the genetic chart says) with some partridge leakage. :woot
The ones that have blue, with partridge leakage are the ones you want to breed together. You may get black partridge, blue partridge, or splash partridge coloring.

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