Silly little guy Now with Picture


7 Years
May 25, 2012
Near Amarillo Texas
Today i was sitting out in the coop trying to get the new birds use to me and the as we call them "the survivers". One little chick is about 4 weeks old and not the prettiest thing. Up until now he wanted nothing to do with us people with the food. But today him and his little siblings were rather happy to peck around our feet and not leave the general area of our chairs. Of course its probably because yesterday they watched most of their flock killed by dogs. Anyway he being the bravest of the bunch decided to jump on the wheel barrow wheel which was leaning against the fence exposed. The little guy is JUST heavy enough to make the wheel turn. Of course he got squished between the wheel and the tub part squaking like he was being killed. I went to rescue him but he escaped just in time. Then he came running over to me hopped in my hand and went to sleep. he rode around on my shoulder for most of the morning preening my hair and pooping on me. But I was happy to go about my chores. After all I can change my shirt and probably would have been pooped on anyway because of Red the RIR hen likes to ride there too.
He is sitting on my daughter while we grill out. Shh he has no idea we are grilling chicken.
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Hes going through a weird half feather half fuzz stage. Fuzzy hiny, neck and chest, fully feathered head and wings. His neck is rather long for a chicken almost turkey like. Its probably due to the weird feathering or lack of that makes it look so long. But hes always been sort of strange looking.

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