Silly Question


I think so! Chickens can eat almost everything you can!
As a treat,* yes...but make sure you wipe their little know how blueberry stains.

*Many people suggest a high sugar diet isn't good for hens, but mine have pies and cakes from time to time...only a little, though. Btw, why didnt' that pie get eaten by human-folks?
I can't come up with any reason not to. There should not be anything in it in a quantity that would hurt them. Too much of a good thing is often not a good thing, but I don't see any "too much" of anything in there.

I think from your signature you have about 20 chickens. The rule of thumb is to only give them enough treats that they can clean it up in 10 to 20 minutes and I'm not sure on the size of the pie. Maybe half one day and half the next?
I defrost frozen blue berries all the time and add them to yogurt and the morning treat thing but in a pie form I never gave it a try. They liked the fruit by itself.

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