Silver laced Cochin Bantams

My hopefuls. I included this pic for comparison of comb size. The little Columbian roo was from the same hatch. Comparatively, the 2 SL have next to nothing. Guess it's good I seem to be growing out two columbian roos in this bunch. At least I'll have a little bit of choice. The Columbians seem to have decent foot feathers, which are sadly lacking in the SL. They are 7 weeks old in these pictures.

sorry to say, the pattern on the right points to a roo...
Don't be sorry! I was hoping for a pair, but actually they are about 4 1/2 months old now and still appear to be two girls. I can't add another pic from my phone, but will try to add one soon. Luckily I think one of my Columbians boys from the same hatch is showing promising type, so I will have someone to pair them up with :)
Oh no K4, is it your recent purchase from Knoxville? I only have one to get u by in a pinch, a columbian male available from Dick Horstmans flock. I'd ask $15 plus shipping.

He looks very nice for type. But I'm a novice at really knowing what to look for. I hope that works for her:)
Ki4got, I have Roos, but I cant ship as I'm not yet NPIP cert. I'm planning on getting it by spring, but I'm sorry I can't help now. My young Roos have nicer lacing but don't have the good cochin body type. Something I'm hoping to work on and also maybe buy a pair of nice hens from some breeders this summer.
I've sent some pm's... 8) btw, my name is Karen. and no, I didn't pick anyone up in Knoxville, though I was looking HARD. but the ones that were supposed to come for me didn't make the trip (not sure if he lost them prior or just forgot...)

I've had some offers on Wyandotte crosses, but that is far from what I want. my girls, I have 1 completely laced, 2 incomplete. all have ok type but not great. the 2 incompletes have longer bodies than I'd like but their cushions aren't bad... the laced girl needs help in the cushion area. so the Columbian would help the laced girl, but I need complete lacing for the other 2. ideally 1 roo would fit the bill, and I had him, but lost him back in October to a dog attack. (lost my red boy same time but I have a buff from Tom now that will help with type immensely but is now a multi-year project - which they would have been anyways, I guess.).
I agree a wyandotte takes u back alot of steps---especially body type and comb. A silve lace cochin male will get u there quickest but difficult to find. I'd love for my columbian cockerel to find a home with u (but I feel that breeders should be genuine and supportive.) Check cochins intl on facebook, one or two breeders raise SLs, maybe a roo available.
I agree a wyandotte takes u back alot of steps---especially body type and comb. A silve lace cochin male will get u there quickest but difficult to find. I'd love for my columbian cockerel to find a home with u (but I feel that breeders should be genuine and supportive.) Check cochins intl on facebook, one or two breeders raise SLs, maybe a roo available.

I have already, and anything anyone's had is already gone or spoken for... but the Columbian would probably work well with my one laced girl.
I have the three silver laced boys. One I'm keeping the other two are for sale. I am sorry to say a gang or maybe one raccoon most likely got Into the pen and killed my hens now I have two Millie boys and three silver laced boys...I'm keeping one SL and one MF the rest are for sale. I live in Texas. I am willing to donate a roo to ki4got if we can figure out how to get him there...I've never shipped and don't even know what paperwork will need to be given at the po here. THey may not check on that there but I've been questioned about eggs and they acted like they were about to disallow it. Don't what the penalty is so a lot of questions. :/
well, cross your fingers... I found out a friend has a breeding age silver laced cockerel from the same lines my girls (and previous roo) are from... waiting on pics and shipping estimate, but if it works, i'll be back in business sooner than later. but still hoping to hold another friend to his promise of eggs once he starts collecting.

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