Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing


This might help for comparison: pullet in the center, roo on the right, yes he is a single comb... And the left I used to think roo but it still hasn't gotten any size or color to the combs or wattles
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Hi all! We recently got four SLWs and four BOs from a local farm. They are three weeks old today & we are starting to think one of our SLWs might be a rooster. Three have single combs & the one we think might be a rooster has a rose comb. Any input y'all have as to whether this chick is a rooster would be greatly appreciated. I included one photo of the chick in question with one of the single comb SLWs for a comparison. Thank you!

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Hi all! We recently got four SLWs and four BOs from a local farm. They are three weeks old today & we are starting to think one of our SLWs might be a rooster. Three have single combs & the one we think might be a rooster has a rose comb. Any input y'all have as to whether this chick is a rooster would be greatly appreciated. I included one photo of the chick in question with one of the single comb SLWs for a comparison. Thank you!

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The no tail and lighter silver patches on the wings look a little rooish... But I don't see wattles so don't say it just yet!
Thank you! I'm hoping that they are all hens. Even though they were sold to us as pullets, we know sexing isn't always accurate. This one is bigger than the rest, but so far all the combs appear to be a similar light pink, so fingers crossed it's not a roo.
Thank you! I'm hoping that they are all hens. Even though they were sold to us as pullets, we know sexing isn't always accurate. This one is bigger than the rest, but so far all the combs appear to be a similar light pink, so fingers crossed it's not a roo.

Keep on eye out for wattles! This is a pullet roo comparison of my SLW around three-four weeks old


Thank you! All four of our SLWs have the tiniest little lines of waddles. So far, the waddles on the one that is larger & has the rose comb appear a tad larger than the others, but none of them appear to be as large as the ones in your photo. I'll probably post more pics when they're a little older if we are still suspicious.

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