Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing

Any ideas on gender? I thought they were supposed to be female but I have no clue and after reading all of these I'm worried!

[/IMG]Any ideas?
This is a 7 week SLW, thoughts on gender or too soon to tell?


Comb is definitely more pink than the rest of our chicks.
This is a 7 week SLW, thoughts on gender or too soon to tell?

Comb is definitely more pink than the rest of our chicks.
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Are your other chicks Wyandottes as well?

This one still looks female according to the lacing... Possibly too soon for 100%, at least from me.
Post again if you notice the lacing change at all. Nice lacing on the WINGS equals female... Mottled or blotchy equals male.
This is our only SLW, we have a GLW too and the comb is not as pink. They are from a hatchery, the golden has clearer lacing already, so that's one of the things that was making me wonder.
I posted this in another thread but maybe y'all can help, is this a pullet or roo? It was supposed to be a pullet but I'm not so sure now that the comb is reddening up. And yes I know he/she is supposed to have a rose comb but we can't all be perfect

I posted this in another thread but maybe y'all can help, is this a pullet or roo? It was supposed to be a pullet but I'm not so sure now that the comb is reddening up. And yes I know he/she is supposed to have a rose comb but we can't all be perfect

I have a GLW that ended up with a straight comb... and honestly she is the prettiest.

That's a cockerel.

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