Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing

My GLW hen isn't the friendliest either. She is top of the pecking order too. I say pullet too. My GLW rooster had a huge comb & wattles at that age. And was crowing from 10 weeks. Constantly.
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Pullet, mine was the most agressive, actually pecked me in the side of the head when I walked by her at eye level once. She has settled down as she has grown older,
I thought so but her temperament threw me. I've never had a mean hen before. This one chases me around, charging and pecking me, with her neck feathers all ruffled! Lol
My GLW hen isn't the friendliest either. She is top of the pecking order too. I say pullet too. My GLW rooster had a huge comb & wattles at that age. And was crowing from 10 weeks. Constantly.
Thank you! :)
All of your opinions make me feel better. I already have 2 roosters, one of which is mean!
She looks like she should be laying before too long. Neither of my GLW are mean. But every single one of my girls becomes a bit friendlier (to humans) a little after they begin laying, as Cel45 said. :)
Should be soon, I have 19 pullets all the same age and so far only 5 or 6 are laying. Keeping my fingers crossed that she'll get nicer once she starts laying!
Thank you!

All of your opinions make me feel better. I already have 2 roosters, one of which is mean!
Soup time.
3 month update: All three of my SLW are roos. They are developing saddle feathers and one has started crowing. Judging by the brown colouring on some of the feathers, I am suspecting that they are a mix of SLW and GLW. I'll keep this one - he is really friendly and is my favourite, but the other two will have to be given away.
3 month update: All three of my SLW are roos. They are developing saddle feathers and one has started crowing. Judging by the brown colouring on some of the feathers, I am suspecting that they are a mix of SLW and GLW. I'll keep this one - he is really friendly and is my favourite, but the other two will have to be given away.
If you got them from hatchery, they often do not conform to the SOP. It may not be GLW mix. But just not the best or show quality genetics. The solid color block on the wings of laced varieties is a good way to tell gender, even before they start developing saddle feathers or other features. See how the lacing on your wing looks more blurred than laced?

If the one you are keeping and describe as friendly and your favorite has been coddled, beware that their behavior often changes because they don't see you as a threat or fear you. In the chicken world, fear equals respect. And a good roo is one that will avoid you as a means of showing they respect your personal space. I speak from experience of having a fantastic boy turned little devil. And have seen many on BYC with the same issue. Of course all birds are individuals and so it won't be true for every one. But after being the friendliest, now I get charged at the fence and the back of my leg flogged. He won't be staying past this generation. And sadly, I think I actually caused the problem.. before I knew better. I would go out of my way not to startle and always step around them. Now I know I have to walk through them and let them step out of my way. But I thought I was teaching them to trust me and not worry or see me as a threat... Well now he sees me a s a challenge and not a threat!

Anyone new to keeping cockerels, including myself, has lots of learning to do. The best posts I have seen are on this link. Pay special attention to posts #18 & 25!

Did we give our opinions on your genders a while back? It's fun to see how close or off we were.

Best wishes!

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