Silver Laced Wydonnette sexing - 2 weeks old - Is it Tina or Tony

  • Ideal 236 Pullets
  • Rhode Island Red Pullets
  • Barred Rock Pullets
  • Black Australop Pullets
  • Buff Orpington Pullets
  • Silver Wyandotte Pullets
  • Ameraucana Pullets

We got a Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Ameraucana and we thought a silver Wyandotte.

Based on your list, I think your chick in question is likely one of their Rhode Island Reds. Technically speaking there is typically very little or no difference between hatchery quality RIRs and Production Reds. Hatchery quality RIRs lack the deep body, dark mahogany feathering, and profuse black tail feathering of the heritage RIRs of reputable breeders.
Here are pictures we took when we got them.

We texted the pictures with the breed so we could know who was who.


Barred Rock

Rhode Island Red

Wyandotte (supposedly)
Your assumed Rhode Island Red looks more like a red sexlink pullet or a buff Orpington. Your Ameraucana is actually an Easter Egger. Your supposed Wyandotte could be a Production Red/Rhode Island Red.
I think the chick is a Wyandotte. We actually just got chicks like that, that are partridge. I think it is a partridge Wyandotte. It has similar chick coloring to a golden Wyandotte, but the feather pattern turns out to be partridge.
I think the chick is a Wyandotte. We actually just got chicks like that, that are partridge. I think it is a partridge Wyandotte. It has similar chick coloring to a golden Wyandotte, but the feather pattern turns out to be partridge.
The chick in question has a straight comb, which it shouldn't have as a Wyandotte. They do happen, but partridge Wyandottes also aren't your run of the mill feed store chicks. It's much more likely it's a Red chick.

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