Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

. . . . The "stuff" has been on my mind a lot this past year and I'm currently in the midst of spring cleaning days, so it's ever present in my mind right now.  I don't want more stuff...I want that two bag kind of living you describe.  When I was a teen, all my possessions fit into a cardboard box under my bed...clothes, shoes, everything.  What a wonderful feeling! 

I am finally learning to let go of the stuff that is drowning me. For so long I haven't been able to let stuff go because there's a remote chance it could be useful some day. Now, I've stopped asking myself that and instead ask, Do I want to be the curator of this piece of stuff? Do I want to be responsible for cleaning it, organizing it, taking care of it, finding a place for it -- for the rest of my life? The answer, so far, has always been no.
I am finally learning to let go of the stuff that is drowning me. For so long I haven't been able to let stuff go because there's a remote chance it could be useful some day. Now, I've stopped asking myself that and instead ask, Do I want to be the curator of this piece of stuff? Do I want to be responsible for cleaning it, organizing it, taking care of it, finding a place for it -- for the rest of my life? The answer, so far, has always been no.

Me too! I did it in the past and for much the same reason as anybody and then I had to put down some rules for myself...if I have not used it in a year's time, it's likely that the time spent cleaning it, moving it, organizing it or living around it is not worth the keeping of this item. That goes for tools, clothing, cooking implements, seasonal furniture or recreational items, etc.

I think we all fall into the trap of "just in case" for so many things in life and so we collect things that we hold to us and it gives us a sense of false security that we will be able to use them "just in case" to solve a problem. Rarely does a material good solve life's most difficult problems, so they just symbolize strength, more than actually providing it.

A lot of times I think we fall prey to a good bargain too and it makes us obtain things that are useful in some way that are extremely cheap~or even free~simply because we know the value of it if we should have to buy it in the future...and then that "should have to buy it" never really comes and we have been keeping this very useful, but unused, item for many years.

You put it right...curator. It's a good term for it.
I am finally learning to let go of the stuff that is drowning me. For so long I haven't been able to let stuff go because there's a remote chance it could be useful some day. Now, I've stopped asking myself that and instead ask, Do I want to be the curator of this piece of stuff? Do I want to be responsible for cleaning it, organizing it, taking care of it, finding a place for it -- for the rest of my life? The answer, so far, has always been no.

Me too! I did it in the past and for much the same reason as anybody and then I had to put down some rules for myself...if I have not used it in a year's time, it's likely that the time spent cleaning it, moving it, organizing it or living around it is not worth the keeping of this item. That goes for tools, clothing, cooking implements, seasonal furniture or recreational items, etc.

I think we all fall into the trap of "just in case" for so many things in life and so we collect things that we hold to us and it gives us a sense of false security that we will be able to use them "just in case" to solve a problem. Rarely does a material good solve life's most difficult problems, so they just symbolize strength, more than actually providing it.

A lot of times I think we fall prey to a good bargain too and it makes us obtain things that are useful in some way that are extremely cheap~or even free~simply because we know the value of it if we should have to buy it in the future...and then that "should have to buy it" never really comes and we have been keeping this very useful, but unused, item for many years.

You put it right...curator. It's a good term for it.

Sounds like my dear husband. He's a hoarder! *laugh* We have a 10x20 building stuffed to the gills with 'I might need this one day' stuff. In all fairness, some of it HAS been useful.. Usually scraps of wood, wire, drywall etc.

I've been slowly guiding him to letting go of the 'curated' things. I highly doubt he needs a boy scout uniform.. or baseball cards.. or a dozen old PC's all in pieces.
It's a lot better already, we had WAAAAAAY more stuff. Like, an entire dining room set that was so large it couldn't fit in our diningroom if we tried. Donated a lot of stuff...

I'm on the other side of things, I always try to minimize my wordly possessions. If I don't use it for 'x' amount of time, it goes on Ebay. I sell an item before I buy an item, it keeps spending at bay too.
hares are born fully mobile and ready to go like baby chicks, however I don't know their gestation time! And rabbit kits can crawl when they are born...Some crawl right out of the nest box or cage

Heck, ours are like Mexican jumping beans within 24 hours of birth..

we just got a surprise litter, my fault, I housed some of the rabbits in the wire cages and a female whom we have not bred yet next to a male...One evening I was feeding them and she started gathering hay and trying to make a I just stood there thinking how did that happen...didn't take long to figure it out...the male being quite determined figured out how to open his cage and squeeze into hers and back out... Funny stuff I tell ya...
She gave birth two days ago to 7 healthy kits :)
Heck, ours are like Mexican jumping beans within 24 hours of birth..

we just got a surprise litter, my fault, I housed some of the rabbits in the wire cages and a female whom we have not bred yet next to a male...One evening I was feeding them and she started gathering hay and trying to make a I just stood there thinking how did that happen...didn't take long to figure it out...the male being quite determined figured out how to open his cage and squeeze into hers and back out... Funny stuff I tell ya...
She gave birth two days ago to 7 healthy kits :)
what a happy story! Thank you for sharing!
That's how I like to do things too....especially with chickens and other livestock. No obtaining more until I thin the flock/herd. I like to keep a steady stocking rate with a little slack on either side for under or overage, so that my coop is not too crowded.

I wish a lot of folks could understand that chicken math involves subtraction too, because I read a lot of posts on here where folks are constantly adding and having many troubles in flock management as a result. Chicken keeping shouldn't be that involved and troublesome...should be fun and easy.
Fair enough :lol: Don't worry, I have done plenty of projects with what I had on hand, rather than what's ideal to use. ..Still working on growing that money tree.

Beekissed doesn't "worry" but I'm concerned and cautious. Thanks for pointing that out. I'm thinking if I can create a wood frame with vinyl coated chicken wire across the top and lay the heating pad over it. Maybe use a 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 on each side so it would be 4 or 6 inches high. That way the chicks could get under the whole pad from side to side. If I needed it higher as chicks grow would just tack wood strip across the bottom.

What do you think Tomtommom?
That's how I like to do things too....especially with chickens and other livestock.  No obtaining more until I thin the flock/herd.  I like to keep a steady stocking rate with a little slack on either side for under or overage, so that my coop is not too crowded. 

I wish a lot of folks could understand that chicken math involves subtraction too, because I read a lot of posts on here where folks are constantly adding and having many troubles in flock management as a result.  Chicken keeping shouldn't be that involved and troublesome...should be fun and easy. 
I think a lot of people don't like talking about how they thin their flocks, kwim? For aome, it's incredibly difficult and full of anxiety thinking about their babies going somewhere else...wherever that may be.
Edited due to the sensitive nature of the readers of these threads. It appears I have offended someone with my own thoughts and opinions and that is not to be done, as has been so pointed out to me. I will make a greater effort to not express my own thoughts on subjects that offend others but since that is myriad in nature and so many are offended by so much, I will just say in advance that I am sorry if I offend any of you in the course of merely being me.

It seems that being me or having any personal opinion is considered "judging" others and I really don't want to be doing that, so I'll try to do better. I'm sorry for any who were offended by my judgemental attitudes towards whatever it is they feel I shouldn't have an opinion about.

There...I think that should just about cover it. If anyone else is offended by my posts, just let me know...apparently it's okay to let me know whenever I'm doing anything wrong without you being thought of as judgemental so just let it fly!
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