Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Cochins can still roost with the rest of the birds and have less "special" needs, it seems. I've thought about having a few standard Cochins around to brood eggs and still may set out to get a few. Too bad this one I have is a male....
For one thing, it was not a "rant". Honey, you'll know if I'm ranting. That wasn't it. It was a comment upon the responsibility for the animals people obtain and my belief that if it is that difficult for some to kill an animal when it needs to be killed that it might be better to buy their eggs instead of causing all that self-induced stress. There were no harsh words, no negative experiences, newbies were not even mentioned...not once...not even. You are putting words in my text that were not there and implying a tone that wasn't present either...both of which exactly describe your follow up post. It's called's a psychological term and it applies to your actions.

There was no rant. That was your perception of the words spoken because you seem to be carrying a huge chip on your shoulder about the issue. Please, take the chip you have said, this thread is no place for it. As for deciding the place for topics introduced, it's seems to me that it should be up to the OP as to what topics are discussed in their own thread. If the topics discussed offend you there are many options left open to you...

1. Stop reading the thread.
2. Report the post as offensive
3. Apply the ignore button to my really works and it's a lovely feature. Let me show you! See? Now all annoying, bothersome posts that offend one's sensibilities just disappear....
I love it. I love it. Click
For one thing, it was not a "rant". Honey, you'll know if I'm ranting.  That wasn't it.  It was a comment upon the responsibility for the animals people obtain and my belief that if it is that difficult for some to kill an animal when it needs to be killed that it might be better to buy their eggs instead of causing all that self-induced stress.  There were no harsh words, no negative experiences, newbies were not even mentioned...not once...not even.  You are putting words in my text that were not there and implying a tone that wasn't present either...both of which exactly describe your follow up post.  It's called's a psychological term and it applies to your actions. 

There was no rant. That was your perception of the words spoken because you seem to be carrying a huge chip on your shoulder about the issue.  Please, take the chip you have said, this thread is no place for it.  As for deciding the place for topics introduced, it's seems to me that it should be up to the OP as to what topics are discussed in their own thread.  If the topics discussed offend you there are many options left open to you...

1. Stop reading the thread.
2. Report the post as offensive
3. Apply the ignore button to my really works and it's a lovely feature.  Let me show you!  See?  Now all annoying, bothersome posts that offend one's sensibilities just disappear....

:gig :lau
X 2

Now let's carry on this great conversation......

I am following this great thread because for what ever reason my rooster is shooting blanks. My incubator is full of eggs that are infertile. I have made a few adjustments in the feeding program. Two weeks after the nights are warmer if I am not showing fertile eggs. I will cull him.

He will go in the chicken's personal crock pot after I ring his neck. He will cook for about 4 hours, after cooling, I will serve him to the girls. Free protein and calcium. They will eat every bite!
Lice and mites can affect fertility so be sure to check and treat if you find them.

Yes, I'm having trouble too this year with the roo's, the ones who are actually performing the act seem to be alright, but the 2 that I want to breed from seem to get on infrequently, and when I have observed them, they are not completing the act, they just get on and get off....strange....none of them were doing that last summer!! Maybe I just need to wait awhile longer, or maybe I need to just break down and buy some eggs from someone else...? But I was really looking forward to incubating my OWN eggs this year!!


Don't give up yet. It's only early March. Check for bugs, make sure they don't have a whole bunch of fluff around their nether regions.
Fantastic, now I can post without the peanut gallery trolling everything I say.
You need to get off your soap box. Nobody is listening. You have done this to yourself. Bee is the originator of this thread, she is not judgmental, she is a teacher. She has a lot of wisdom to share so you need to learn to appreciate it or go elsewhere. They are not the peanut gallery. If you want to see that, go look in your closest mirror.
Good grief! I have the double whammy going. Not only is my rooster sterile (temporarily I hope) but one of my brown leghorn pullets just started laying.......a cream colored egg. Note to self..... DO NOT BUY CHICKS FROM TSC!!!!

Any way, I asked Valentino about his 'nads. He pled the fifth!

I reminded him he has a new goal in life - or a date with the crock pot - which ever comes first.
How did you do this ? I too would like to block a member on this thread.

If you click on their name a menu drops down and at the bottom of it there is a choice to block member. Then their posts are just gone and you need never see one again if you don't wish...and that goes for any thread you are on in which they are participating. It's a calming and wonderful feature but I've only had to apply it twice before, so getting a block from me rates one in a whole 'nother category of intolerable.
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