Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Good grief! I have the double whammy going. Not only is my rooster sterile (temporarily I hope) but one of my brown leghorn pullets just started laying.......a cream colored egg. Note to self..... DO NOT BUY CHICKS FROM TSC!!!!

Any way, I asked Valentino about his 'nads. He pled the fifth!

I reminded him he has a new goal in life - or a date with the crock pot - which ever comes first.

Yep, if you want the real McCoy, you have to find a breeder. The hatcheries just don't care that much. Something else that may happen is after she gets her egg laying gear into gear, the eggs might become more white than cream.
If you click on their name a menu drops down and at the bottom of it there is a choice to block member.  Then their posts are just gone and you need never see one again if you don't wish...and that goes for any thread you are on in which they are participating.  It's a calming and wonderful feature but I've only had to apply it twice before, so getting a block from me rates one in a whole 'nother category of intolerable.  :rolleyes:

Thank you, Bee ! Not something I would normally employ but when I see negativity and badgering, well, it takes away from all the wonderfulness of this thread and all the great info and people on here ! I love this thread and love you as a sis in The Lord, Bee ! Keep on keepin' on ! :)
Good grief! I have the double whammy going. Not only is my rooster sterile (temporarily I hope) but one of my brown leghorn pullets just started laying.......a cream colored egg. Note to self..... DO NOT BUY CHICKS FROM TSC!!!!

Any way, I asked Valentino about his 'nads. He pled the fifth!

I reminded him he has a new goal in life - or a date with the crock pot - which ever comes first.

This is my culling month and I'm doing the same...looking at the flock with a real hard eye. I see no reason to waste feed on chickens that lay only a couple of times a week in peak laying season. Since the flock is so small this may leave me with only a few birds, but I'm through being nice and sentimental...that got one of my old and favorite hens in an uncomfortable position a few weeks ago and it was my fault for letting my heart overrule my head and my flock goals/mission.

Nonlayers by the end of March will likely be sporadic/poor layers in the rest of the year, so no need to second guess and wait.
Thank you, Bee ! Not something I would normally employ but when I see negativity and badgering, well, it takes away from all the wonderfulness of this thread and all the great info and people on here ! I love this thread and love you as a sis in The Lord, Bee ! Keep on keepin' on !

Ditto that, WBF! Some very wonderful people on this thread and it's been a joy!
I love you muchly!
When I removed the bad eggs from the nest last night my temps dropped pretty quickly and went all the way to 95 before I realized it, so clicked the control to the next setting up and gathered the remaining eggs into a smaller clutch next to the water wiggler. Temps are now stable and everything is good there.

Anyone else out there doing this experiment and are removing candled eggs, watch those temps for changes.
Lacey blues, thanks for responding :) I have already done the spring tune-up on all my chickens. Delousing, eprinex for mites, safeguard for worms, new oyster shell and a pedicure!

I changed the breeders to All Flock for more protein and have started feeding all of the sterile eggs back to them after hard boiling. They of course have clean fresh water and a light on a timer.

The hens have all started laying, so I will see if Valentino steps up to the plate.
Whew, finally caught up on how your eggs are doing. I'm sorry that only 4 are still viable. Hopefully these ones will hatch though.
How many more days (if you don't mind me asking?)
Whew, finally caught up on how your eggs are doing. I'm sorry that only 4 are still viable. Hopefully these ones will hatch though.
How many more days (if you don't mind me asking?)

This is day 11 and I've got 10 more days to go...I hope! I hate it that these chicks will only be a few(if I get any at all!)...I may add to them from the feed store so they will have more companions.
Just saw a chick moving in Egg #11!!!!
Couldn't see much in eggs 6 and 7 but dark areas. One has a well defined aircell but the other does not or I just cannot see it, but don't know why. Who knows what is going on in those eggs! Egg #5 is a quitter but I'm leaving it in place to hold heat. I gave them all a really good sniff and no bad smells, so they all stay where they are. Who knows? Might just get one chick from all this.....

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