Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

I get them every time I mess with the eggs, but I just let them build back without increasing my temps because then I get spikes. I recandled last night and will report on my thread.
YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you're gonna get more then 1. I think I may have seen 5 last night. I'm super excited!

Oh, wow! I'm so excited about that!!!
If we can get more people to try this we can get a better idea if the method can work outside the bumbling efforts of a newbie to hatching like myself.
That's not crazy at all! I would be the exact same way if I sold my chicken's offspring. They are my pets and I care very much for them and that includes the chicks that come from them. I would love to have property full of peafowl. That's my dream. A large ranch with guineas, peafowl, chickens, ducks geese, and possible emus and african crown cranes. Maybe one day....

I too would love to have enough property for all the different species birds you mention. I love birds. We only have 5 acres and neighbors so have to curb my desires. I do try so hard to find good homes for my chicks too. I discourage some from getting them. What I do to "discourage" is to find flaws in how they intend to keep them in which case they will get killed or die. I manage to word things where I can pull out of a sale by saying chicks are promised but I'll call them if buyer doesn't come through. I refuse to sell one chick by itself.....won't do it unless it's being put in with chicks it's own age. I'm pretty picky who I see to and stress again.....that's why I have too many peafowl now.

I'm so busy it's getting difficult to even scan all the postings coming in on this thread so I'm going to drop off it tomorrow. Have so enjoyed chatting with everyone and have learned some good things. Thank You!!!! Regarding the experiment. I hope it's profected to becoming an accepted new way of incubating eggs. Waaaaaaaaaa, I'm going to miss you all!!!
Just saw a chick moving in Egg #11!!!!
Couldn't see much in eggs 6 and 7 but dark areas. One has a well defined aircell but the other does not or I just cannot see it, but don't know why. Who knows what is going on in those eggs! Egg #5 is a quitter but I'm leaving it in place to hold heat. I gave them all a really good sniff and no bad smells, so they all stay where they are. Who knows? Might just get one chick from all this.....
Just saw a chick moving in Egg #11!!!!
Couldn't see much in eggs 6 and 7 but dark areas. One has a well defined aircell but the other does not or I just cannot see it, but don't know why. Who knows what is going on in those eggs! Egg #5 is a quitter but I'm leaving it in place to hold heat. I gave them all a really good sniff and no bad smells, so they all stay where they are. Who knows? Might just get one chick from all this.....

Awesome!!!!!! I have been keeping up with this thread and hoping things worked this time... Hopefully you get some fuzzy butts soon!!!!
Hey Bee....have you set up your brooder heater yet....or are you going to use the same heating pad that is now incubating?
Quote: If embryos died every time a mama bird got spooked off a nest or had to lure a predator away, there sure wouldn't be as many birds out there. Nature allows for some random cooling. It's the artificial temperature spikes that are killers.

Happy to hear you may try a 4th time. From the beginning I've thought yours was a viability problem and that your incubating technique is quite good. (FoxValleyFarm is proving that too.) My 3-button heating pad is old and does not hold a steady temp well. Have to make the trip over to Walmart to look for a new one, unless I get a broody first!
Oh, wow!  I'm so excited about that!!!  :weee   If we can get more people to try this we can get a better idea if the method can work outside the bumbling efforts of a newbie to hatching like myself. 

You aren't bumbling. I think this can work and produce strong chicks. If I can make it work anyone can.

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