Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

I believe Bee said this will be her first grand baby. How exciting!! :love
I think once we counted, and my grandma had somewhere around 48 grand kids and 43 great grand kids, and some great great grand kids, and a few great great great grand kids.. She had 14 kiddos of her own, so that's why the large amount. LOL

About the same amount with my grandma ( or mamó as we call her in Irish ) she had 15 kids of her own and they have had their own and so on :)
Aliza Grace arrived at around 2:30 pm today, 8 lb. 3 oz. and 21 in. long, a full head of golden brown hair (like Grandma!
) and has her daddy's full lips and sweet smile and also his nose, his butt, his beautiful skin color and tone, etc. Her mama is very, very pale with pale blond hair and pale blue eyes, so the baby doesn't resemble her much yet but no telling what will pop up later...she does have her mom's toes.

She slept and smiled all during the visit~when we would all laugh, she would smile!~ and appears to be just like her dad was when he was a baby...calm, quiet, sweet and laid back. She latched on real well to the breast and nursed for 45 minutes for her first tucker!!!
Yep...that's from our side of the family.....

Oh...and no chicks yet...I think they may be a day or two behind. No pips, no zips...just eggs. Thank God for that because I really needed to leave them today and so I just left and trust them to God, which is always a good idea.

Prayed a first blessing on this baby girl and dedicated her to God's service in her life and thanked God for her health, her life and her sweet, sweet beauty. Granny Bee is in LURVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!!
Aliza Grace arrived at around 2:30 pm today, 8 lb. 3 oz. and 21 in. long, a full head of golden brown hair (like Grandma! :yesss: ) and has her daddy's full lips and sweet smile and also his nose, his butt, his beautiful skin color and tone, etc. Her mama is very, very pale with pale blond hair and pale blue eyes, so the baby doesn't resemble her much yet but no telling what will pop up later...she does have her mom's toes. :lol: She slept and smiled all during the visit~when we would all laugh, she would smile!~ and appears to be just like her dad was when he was a baby...calm, quiet, sweet and laid back. She latched on real well to the breast and nursed for 45 minutes for her first tucker!!! :th Yep...that's from our side of the family..... Oh...and no chicks yet...I think they may be a day or two behind. No pips, no zips...just eggs. Thank God for that because I really needed to leave them today and so I just left and trust them to God, which is always a good idea. Prayed a first blessing on this baby girl and dedicated her to God's service in her life and thanked God for her health, her life and her sweet, sweet beauty. Granny Bee is in LURVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!! :love
Yay Bee!! Congrats. She's beautiful
Oh gosh... how exciting!
Good luck with your bundle of (naughtiness, diapers, annoyance, noise, stress, frustration, vomit, cause of much lack of sleep) joy!! Boy or girl?

A girl! I have a 6 year old step-son, a 2 year old son of my own and soon a girl of my own. This family is complete!

I am getting really nervous and I am normally rock steady. My first one was SUPER easy going. Slept through the night at 6 weeks (like... 12 hours on end). Never cried. He just slept and ate and slept some more. On top of that I was induced... so I don't know how things will go without intervention. And my mom stayed with us to help me out.... This time, just me. Hubby requested 2 weeks off from work, but after that it's all me. Three kids... and me.

How many g-kids does she have?

I have 8 grand kids - 7 boys -1 girl

And 2 adopted grand kid - 1 boy - 1 girl

And another one on the way!

I am hoping I will end up with only a baker's dozen. That will be plenty of g-kids for me!

I believe Bee said this will be her first grand baby. How exciting!!

I think once we counted, and my grandma had somewhere around 48 grand kids and 43 great grand kids, and some great great grand kids, and a few great great great grand kids.. She had 14 kiddos of her own, so that's why the large amount. LOL

Goodness that's a lot of grandbabies!

Aliza Grace arrived at around 2:30 pm today, 8 lb. 3 oz. and 21 in. long, a full head of golden brown hair (like Grandma!
) and has her daddy's full lips and sweet smile and also his nose, his butt, his beautiful skin color and tone, etc. Her mama is very, very pale with pale blond hair and pale blue eyes, so the baby doesn't resemble her much yet but no telling what will pop up later...she does have her mom's toes.

She slept and smiled all during the visit~when we would all laugh, she would smile!~ and appears to be just like her dad was when he was a baby...calm, quiet, sweet and laid back. She latched on real well to the breast and nursed for 45 minutes for her first tucker!!!
Yep...that's from our side of the family.....

Oh...and no chicks yet...I think they may be a day or two behind. No pips, no zips...just eggs. Thank God for that because I really needed to leave them today and so I just left and trust them to God, which is always a good idea.

Prayed a first blessing on this baby girl and dedicated her to God's service in her life and thanked God for her health, her life and her sweet, sweet beauty. Granny Bee is in LURVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!!

Dang right you're in LURV! That is the most precious face I have seen since my own baby. She's a looker!

Congrats Bee!
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Aliza Grace arrived at around 2:30 pm today, 8 lb. 3 oz. and 21 in. long, a full head of golden brown hair (like Grandma!
) and has her daddy's full lips and sweet smile and also his nose, his butt, his beautiful skin color and tone, etc. Her mama is very, very pale with pale blond hair and pale blue eyes, so the baby doesn't resemble her much yet but no telling what will pop up later...she does have her mom's toes.

She slept and smiled all during the visit~when we would all laugh, she would smile!~ and appears to be just like her dad was when he was a baby...calm, quiet, sweet and laid back. She latched on real well to the breast and nursed for 45 minutes for her first tucker!!!
Yep...that's from our side of the family.....

Oh...and no chicks yet...I think they may be a day or two behind. No pips, no zips...just eggs. Thank God for that because I really needed to leave them today and so I just left and trust them to God, which is always a good idea.

Prayed a first blessing on this baby girl and dedicated her to God's service in her life and thanked God for her health, her life and her sweet, sweet beauty. Granny Bee is in LURVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!!

Oh Bee...She is Beautiful!!! You are so very lucky (and her folks too of course) ... I've got almost 2 more months til our newest little one is here and seeing yours make me sooo want a little Grand Daughter!!!

On incubation note... I'm actually glad they didn't hatch today, after all that work and worry you should be there to see the hatch!!!

Lost four of our broody's eggs I can figure is another hen tried to get into her nest and during the fight eggs were kicked out, she had one egg shell stuck to her belly ( This is why I think she was fighting and trying to protect her babies).. She has five left under her but I may toss one tomorrow?? Its covered in egg goo pretty bad.. But one of those that made it was the last one of hers I was able to gather before she stopped laying.. Thought about trying to move her again but she didn't like it a couple days ago so I doubt she will want it now.. Gonna put up a partial curtain for her tomorrow in hopes they leave her alone.
Oh Bee...She is Beautiful!!! You are so very lucky (and her folks too of course) ... I've got almost 2 more months til our newest little one is here and seeing yours make me sooo want a little Grand Daughter!!!

On incubation note... I'm actually glad they didn't hatch today, after all that work and worry you should be there to see the hatch!!!

Lost four of our broody's eggs I can figure is another hen tried to get into her nest and during the fight eggs were kicked out, she had one egg shell stuck to her belly ( This is why I think she was fighting and trying to protect her babies).. She has five left under her but I may toss one tomorrow?? Its covered in egg goo pretty bad.. But one of those that made it was the last one of hers I was able to gather before she stopped laying.. Thought about trying to move her again but she didn't like it a couple days ago so I doubt she will want it now.. Gonna put up a partial curtain for her tomorrow in hopes they leave her alone.

That's a shame! You could move her at night, under cover of darkness...I've done this a lot and it always works. I usually up end a cardboard box over her new nest and cut a flap for it but keep the flap closed for the first half of the day after the midnight move. Then I leave the box in place but open the flap so she can see and go eat and drink if she likes. After a day with the box in place and I see she is going to stay on that nest, I just remove the box.

I'm glad mine didn't hatch today was a blessing! Now...lets hope they even hatch at all.

The pics don't do that little baby justice..she is a very good looking little baby..and I'm pretty frank about babies and how they look.
Aliza Grace arrived at around 2:30 pm today, 8 lb. 3 oz. and 21 in. long, a full head of golden brown hair (like Grandma! :yesss: ) and has her daddy's full lips and sweet smile and also his nose, his butt, his beautiful skin color and tone, etc. Her mama is very, very pale with pale blond hair and pale blue eyes, so the baby doesn't resemble her much yet but no telling what will pop up later...she does have her mom's toes. :lol: She slept and smiled all during the visit~when we would all laugh, she would smile!~ and appears to be just like her dad was when he was a baby...calm, quiet, sweet and laid back. She latched on real well to the breast and nursed for 45 minutes for her first tucker!!! :th Yep...that's from our side of the family..... Oh...and no chicks yet...I think they may be a day or two behind. No pips, no zips...just eggs. Thank God for that because I really needed to leave them today and so I just left and trust them to God, which is always a good idea. Prayed a first blessing on this baby girl and dedicated her to God's service in her life and thanked God for her health, her life and her sweet, sweet beauty. Granny Bee is in LURVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!! :love
Congrats on the beautiful new addition, Bee ! May you make many wonderful memories with the little one and may God bless her little soul ! She's a beautiful baby :)

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