Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Yeah....the pictures, they comes. I'll not bore you all with them but I'll probably take a full plenty because that's how it always is with first babies. Then the others come and they get less and less and the last kid you'd hardly even know they were in the family. A stray pic now and again...I know this because I am the youngest of nine children.

Thank you all for the wonderful comments on the baby...she truly is a little morsel straight from heaven.
Yeah....the pictures, they comes. I'll not bore you all with them but I'll probably take a full plenty because that's how it always is with first babies. Then the others come and they get less and less and the last kid you'd hardly even know they were in the family. A stray pic now and again...I know this because I am the youngest of nine children.

Thank you all for the wonderful comments on the baby...she truly is a little morsel straight from heaven.
LOL.. so so true. ! I have 5... you would have thought she was the only child in the world.. by the time we got to #5..... " do i have a camera WAIT I HAVE A IPhone.. ok pose kid "
Aliza Grace arrived at around 2:30 pm today, 8 lb. 3 oz. and 21 in. long, a full head of golden brown hair (like Grandma!
) and has her daddy's full lips and sweet smile and also his nose, his butt, his beautiful skin color and tone, etc. Her mama is very, very pale with pale blond hair and pale blue eyes, so the baby doesn't resemble her much yet but no telling what will pop up later...she does have her mom's toes.

She slept and smiled all during the visit~when we would all laugh, she would smile!~ and appears to be just like her dad was when he was a baby...calm, quiet, sweet and laid back. She latched on real well to the breast and nursed for 45 minutes for her first tucker!!!
Yep...that's from our side of the family.....

Oh...and no chicks yet...I think they may be a day or two behind. No pips, no zips...just eggs. Thank God for that because I really needed to leave them today and so I just left and trust them to God, which is always a good idea.

Prayed a first blessing on this baby girl and dedicated her to God's service in her life and thanked God for her health, her life and her sweet, sweet beauty. Granny Bee is in LURVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!!
Aliza Grace... what a beautiful name for such a beautiful baby! Look at that smile. Usually it takes babies three days to be able to do that!
Good luck with the eggs, too!
Aliza Grace arrived at around 2:30 pm today, 8 lb. 3 oz. and 21 in. long, a full head of golden brown hair (like Grandma!
) and has her daddy's full lips and sweet smile and also his nose, his butt, his beautiful skin color and tone, etc. Her mama is very, very pale with pale blond hair and pale blue eyes, so the baby doesn't resemble her much yet but no telling what will pop up later...she does have her mom's toes.

She slept and smiled all during the visit~when we would all laugh, she would smile!~ and appears to be just like her dad was when he was a baby...calm, quiet, sweet and laid back. She latched on real well to the breast and nursed for 45 minutes for her first tucker!!!
Yep...that's from our side of the family.....

Oh...and no chicks yet...I think they may be a day or two behind. No pips, no zips...just eggs. Thank God for that because I really needed to leave them today and so I just left and trust them to God, which is always a good idea.

Prayed a first blessing on this baby girl and dedicated her to God's service in her life and thanked God for her health, her life and her sweet, sweet beauty. Granny Bee is in LURVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!!
aweeee congrats granny Bee! She's precious! Good luck with those eggs. Came on to see if they were pipping yet and found this precious baby.
Congrats Bee.

TomTomMom: I'm sure you'll do just fine. And this little one will pop out without any difficulty. My first was 8#, 8 oz. I worked a bit for that one. #2, was 6# 12 oz. and it was just like spitting out a watermelon seed! These precious years raising kids go by all too soon. And regarding being how to do it all with 3 kids... One child takes ALL of your time. 2 children, still take ALL of your time. After that... they continue to take all of your time. I know a fantastic mom, who only agreed to marriage with the stipulation that there would be no babies. After a few years, she thought perhaps one baby would be manageable. So she did. She now has 8 children, and home schools, and always looks like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Her oldest is getting ready to go off to college, and she has a new baby! She says, "they all help" when asked how she does it... which is how it should be. We do our kids no favors when we don't expect them to take part in family responsibilities.
I'm getting a little nervous in the final month of my own pregnancy... Second one, but I'm not sure what to expect this time around.

So many babies in this thread!
Tomtommon, how exciting! You will do just fine! I totally agree with lazy gardener. Once you have the first kid, the rest are easy to take care of. You wore yourself out learning about the first one, the rest just fall in line. I only had two but my BIL brought his kids over for me to watch. He was amazed at how easy it was for me to watch all kids. I just looked at him and said what are a few more. I will be praying for you and the baby!

CONGRATULATIONS GRANNY!!! Your granddaughter is beautiful and you son isn't bad lookin' either! Hope your eggs pip today!

Lisa :)

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