Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Congrats Bee.

TomTomMom: I'm sure you'll do just fine. And this little one will pop out without any difficulty. My first was 8#, 8 oz. I worked a bit for that one. #2, was 6# 12 oz. and it was just like spitting out a watermelon seed! These precious years raising kids go by all too soon. And regarding being how to do it all with 3 kids... One child takes ALL of your time. 2 children, still take ALL of your time. After that... they continue to take all of your time. I know a fantastic mom, who only agreed to marriage with the stipulation that there would be no babies. After a few years, she thought perhaps one baby would be manageable. So she did. She now has 8 children, and home schools, and always looks like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Her oldest is getting ready to go off to college, and she has a new baby! She says, "they all help" when asked how she does it... which is how it should be. We do our kids no favors when we don't expect them to take part in family responsibilities.

Oh the madness we dealt with when my boy was born. My step-son moved in December 15th 2011, my son was born January 25th 2012.... I went from zero kids to two in one month time. Their dad was a stay-at-home dad for the first year, as he was still recovering from a work injury. My mom stayed with us for three months... and my baby was Mr. super easy. I've only been a stay-at-home mom for a bit over a year
Thank goodness the step-son is in school, so I get a bit of a break during the day.. he's quite the handful.

I'm really big on the independence thing. My step-son has to make his own lunch for school (with some help), and I have him do things like load the laundry into the washer and into the dryer (I set it, but he does the loading). I hope to homeschool my son and daughter, but we'll have to see how that goes. I just don't agree with the American school system. No kid is benefitting from writing their name 20 times a day or else.. at age 4. All it does is make them hate learning. I like the idea of some 'unschooling', but within reason.... However, all that is a different can of worms

Tomtommon, how exciting! You will do just fine! I totally agree with lazy gardener. Once you have the first kid, the rest are easy to take care of. You wore yourself out learning about the first one, the rest just fall in line. I only had two but my BIL brought his kids over for me to watch. He was amazed at how easy it was for me to watch all kids. I just looked at him and said what are a few more. I will be praying for you and the baby!

CONGRATULATIONS GRANNY!!! Your granddaughter is beautiful and you son isn't bad lookin' either! Hope your eggs pip today!

Lisa :)

My little boy is special needs, so I do worry about somehow getting him the care he needs without neglecting the others... but, it'll all work out. I think the main thing I fret about is the unknown. The unknown is always a big one
Worried she'll come too early. Too late. Strangely I don't worry about her health, just one of those "I know she's ok". She's gonna be a handful, I know that judging by how she responds when she hears her brother laugh... the way she's kicking... Mr.easy-going hardly ever kicked, he was more of the "Let's just stick my elbow in mom's kidneys for the next hour or so".

It's been one heck of a rollercoaster ride the past year.. I forget about it sometimes.. the past year seems like it was more like TWO years. Little one was diagnosed with hearing loss, MIL died, then my mom died too, got pregnant (a moment of "Life's too short, let's have another kid!"), little one wasn't catching up developmentally and then started showing all sorts of autism red flags... I'm sure I am missing things, but I forget at times. Oh, I got into the chicken thing! Got them a year ago.

The chicken thing is a dream come true. Childhood wishes.. sometimes you just gotta make 'em come true as an adult

Bee, sorry for hijacking things! All this baby talk just gets my mouth going (or well, my fingers). I am going crazy wanting to meet my baby girl. I hope she's as precious as your little lady.

Now, sending good vibes to the little fuzzballs. Good hatching little ones. It's spring, there's no better time to be born!
Thank you one and all for the compliments to Aliza and the congratulations....I'm tickled with her and we've decided we'll keep her.

No activity on those eggs yet...did a little bit of a candling while they lay in the nest last night and had to adjust the turn on one to keep the aircell upwards. Other than that, the eggs look plumb full of bird, the air cell on #11 looks just the right size for hatching, with #6 & 7 a little behind her but now showing a definite tilt to their aircells to one side. Am keeping the nest soils very moist and the bottom of the clutch pocket feels humid, so should be good to go.

Now I need the patience of a broody...can't help but lift that pad up now and again to check for pips. A watched nest never hatches....

P.S. All sweet ants have disappeared, so no ants in the nest. Little farts!
That wasn't a hijack! That was a pleasant diversion!
You'll have to keep us informed of progress, with pics and all! You'll do are a very sensible young lady, from what I can tell, and all it takes to raise multiple kids is a whole lot of common sense and time management. history has shown can even get by without the common sense!
Aliza Grace arrived at around 2:30 pm today, 8 lb. 3 oz. and 21 in. long, a full head of golden brown hair (like Grandma! :yesss: ) and has her daddy's full lips and sweet smile and also his nose, his butt, his beautiful skin color and tone, etc. Her mama is very, very pale with pale blond hair and pale blue eyes, so the baby doesn't resemble her much yet but no telling what will pop up later...she does have her mom's toes. :lol: She slept and smiled all during the visit~when we would all laugh, she would smile!~ and appears to be just like her dad was when he was a baby...calm, quiet, sweet and laid back. She latched on real well to the breast and nursed for 45 minutes for her first tucker!!! :th Yep...that's from our side of the family..... Oh...and no chicks yet...I think they may be a day or two behind. No pips, no zips...just eggs. Thank God for that because I really needed to leave them today and so I just left and trust them to God, which is always a good idea. Prayed a first blessing on this baby girl and dedicated her to God's service in her life and thanked God for her health, her life and her sweet, sweet beauty. Granny Bee is in LURVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!! :love
congrats bee,
I'm glad you're able to be home with your children. My heart cries for all the moms who have to do it all while going off to work every day as well. Your child with the special needs? #1 or #2? You'll just have to be a strong advocate for him. My 7 y.o. had some pretty significant issues in the beginning, but she is doing great now... still a bit of issues, but she's much better than I ever would have expected. She had a bit of PT and ST.
I'm glad you're able to be home with your children. My heart cries for all the moms who have to do it all while going off to work every day as well. Your child with the special needs? #1 or #2? You'll just have to be a strong advocate for him. My 7 y.o. had some pretty significant issues in the beginning, but she is doing great now... still a bit of issues, but she's much better than I ever would have expected. She had a bit of PT and ST.

Amen! I had to go to work, as a single parent, so didn't get to stay home with my kids and that's all I wanted to do in my life...just be a good mother and get to spend time with my children, but God had other plans for me and now, though I still would have loved to be a full time mom and would have loved every day of it, I look back at all the things that God used me for in my line of work that He needed to accomplish and I cannot question His plan for me and for others.

I can't tell you how many times I prayed, cried and pleaded for some kind of miracle that would make it possible that I get to stay home and not miss so much of my children's lives...I had such plans of how I was going to be a mother! As it was, I had to do the whole thing on the fly, trying to balance work and kids, house and car, bills and such, and I look back and cringe at how many of those balls I was juggling were dropped during that whole circus act of life.

To any SAHM, you live a blessed life and have a wonderful calling to get to nurture and mold those young lives....drink it up daily and enjoy every last drop, because many would give all to get to have that opportunity. I think what made my exile from my children each day even worse was meeting and knowing women who complained all the time they were home with their children about being bored and having "no life".

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