Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Since Bee has stated that this 4th attempt will be her last, if you have any chicks that are actual offspring of any of those broody hens that are being raised by the broody herself, if you could part with a few of those chicks, the chances that the little girls will grow up and be broodies are supposed to be pretty high (especially if the rooster was offspring and raised by a broody too) and Bee could just put them in with her currently growing chicks.

Just a suggestion.

I never expected to have 4 out of 5 of these girls broody by 9-10 months, so didn't have a good chance to get their own eggs added into the mixes they are currently raising. But their eggs will be some of the top choices we make for any future hatches we have with any of our hens... I am very happy with these birds for size and personality, they have been very pleasant to have in the coop!
I never expected to have 4 out of 5 of these girls broody by 9-10 months, so didn't have a good chance to get their own eggs added into the mixes they are currently raising. But their eggs will be some of the top choices we make for any future hatches we have with any of our hens... I am very happy with these birds for size and personality, they have been very pleasant to have in the coop!

I've heard good things about this variety of Rock and have noticed that more and more are raising them. I wish the WRs had a little more broody behavior in them and were better at the job....the ones I've had were good mothers but not so good at brooding.
It's good to know I'm not a dinosaur yet...or that there are others still out there.
I have a down comforter that feels just like an electric blanket....wonder if that would work for chicks...hmmmmmmm......
I'm not sure age has anything to do with it. My Mom (in her mid 70s) cooks herself with one during the winter and has for decades. I detest them and use a down comforter, like you. They dry the skin too much!!!
You have been on a roller coaster! I just recently lost 13 out of 14 chickens to dogs. My heart goes out to you. So thankful you have little ones now. Please
post a picture of your Australorp rooster.

Lisa :)
Lisa, this is a pic of our big ol' boy, Bain!! He's a beautiful boy and i'm hoping he makes some beautiful babies with our buff girls!!

And this is what the offspring from the BA/BO cross is supposed to look like...I can't wait to set the eggs in my 'bator and find out!!
Bee, Forgive my ignorance.....I don't have chicks yet and am on the learning curve.
Since you already have hens, and their heat doesn't require electricity, buying something, and meets your other requirements, would they be available to keep your new chicks warm??? It sounds like just because they are a hen that the instinct for brooding doesn't necessarily follow. Is this an experiment you can try?? To see if one of your girls might be interested in being a foster mother? Is it worth a supervised try???
That's kind of a funny thought...brooding some broodies so I'll not have to brood any longer. Lovely thought! What breed are your broodies?

Me on a rollercoaster??? Hon, you are riding with both hands up and screamin'! I'm so very sorry about your flock.
And I'm also very joyful that God immediately provided you with more chickens and it somehow gives one the sense it was all supposed to happen that way, doesn't it? I would love to see pics of your new rooster as well. What kind of chicks did you get?

Thank you for the cheering and the praying, though I can't say there is anything foolish about praying to the Creator.
Beekissed, it sure does give me that sense that God had everything worked out in His perfect timing!! He works all things for His glory, amen and amen!!

The chicks the i adopted were bought at TSC. I looked on the box they came in because my friend had no idea what his son picked up. He had bought the CX chicks. I didn't want to raise meat chickens so I called the TSC that is local to me (different one from the one the son got them from) and talked to the manager and explained that i wasn't familiar with meat chickens and that i just raise chickens for eggs and he told me to bring them in the next day and he would let me swap them for what i wanted if i didn't mind paying the difference. I got to the store and he was waiting for me and he took me back to the chicks and i chose 3 buff orpington pullets and 3 golden comets. He told me that since i was such a wonderful friend to take the little fuzzy butts in for a friend that he would not charge me the up charge for the new chicks...such a sweet guy! A few days later i had to go in and get some things and he asked how my flock was including the new chicks. i told him about the part of my flock that was killed and he just stood there and after a few seconds, he said, "God provides, doesn't He?". I said amen and he gave me a big hug because i'm guessing i looked like a needed a hug. It's amazing how things work.
Lisa, this is a pic of our big ol' boy, Bain!! He's a beautiful boy and i'm hoping he makes some beautiful babies with our buff girls!!

And this is what the offspring from the BA/BO cross is supposed to look like...I can't wait to set the eggs in my 'bator and find out!!

He's very beautiful!!!

Bee, Forgive my ignorance.....I don't have chicks yet and am on the learning curve.
Since you already have hens, and their heat doesn't require electricity, buying something, and meets your other requirements, would they be available to keep your new chicks warm??? It sounds like just because they are a hen that the instinct for brooding doesn't necessarily follow. Is this an experiment you can try?? To see if one of your girls might be interested in being a foster mother? Is it worth a supervised try???

That would be nice, wouldn't it? Some people do have a hen now and again that, when she hears chicks, will want to get in the brooder and mother them....I even had a rooster that did that. I look for such things as that when I brood chicks in the coop like I'm doing now, but, alas, no takers. It's pretty obvious when they want to mother the chicks...they keep hanging around, calling to them in that little chuckle, keep trying to get in the brooder with them, etc.

So far, the peeping isn't stirring any birds to this mothering behavior. Wish it did. Putting a hen in with chicks that is not wanting to mother is asking for disaster...either she will eat their food and keep looking for a way out or she will peck the youngsters out of sheer frustration~but she cannot be persuaded to do it unless she is already in the mood to mother.
Beekissed, it sure does give me that sense that God had everything worked out in His perfect timing!! He works all things for His glory, amen and amen!!

The chicks the i adopted were bought at TSC. I looked on the box they came in because my friend had no idea what his son picked up. He had bought the CX chicks. I didn't want to raise meat chickens so I called the TSC that is local to me (different one from the one the son got them from) and talked to the manager and explained that i wasn't familiar with meat chickens and that i just raise chickens for eggs and he told me to bring them in the next day and he would let me swap them for what i wanted if i didn't mind paying the difference. I got to the store and he was waiting for me and he took me back to the chicks and i chose 3 buff orpington pullets and 3 golden comets. He told me that since i was such a wonderful friend to take the little fuzzy butts in for a friend that he would not charge me the up charge for the new chicks...such a sweet guy! A few days later i had to go in and get some things and he asked how my flock was including the new chicks. i told him about the part of my flock that was killed and he just stood there and after a few seconds, he said, "God provides, doesn't He?". I said amen and he gave me a big hug because i'm guessing i looked like a needed a hug. It's amazing how things work.

That is truly a blessed story....I've seen God do this time and again in my life and it never ceases to amaze me and bring me to tears that God loves us so much that even the little, seemingly aimless details of our lives is important to Him. I no longer believe in coincidences.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Here in Southeast Texas, along the Gulf of Mexico coast; we have to be prepared for hurricanes. In my case of preparedness, I have a portable generator that could be used in a power outage. We had to use it for 17-days, during the last hurricane. You just need to be at home and know you have an outage. As for as power blips, we get our fair share and I can see where an electronic thermostat for the heating pad could be a problem, especially if you are not home or unaware of a power blip, I guess you just have to stay on top of things, very closely.

Hey Cowpoke,
I live out of Shreveport. Not really close enough to be bothered by hurricanes and mostly not much by severe tornadoes Some of course. What kind of chickens you have? Got my first today so am very pumped.
That is truly a blessed story....I've seen God do this time and again in my life and it never ceases to amaze me and bring me to tears that God loves us so much that even the little, seemingly aimless details of our lives is important to Him. I no longer believe in coincidences.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
I was talking to a long distance backpacker several years ago about God and offered him a book on the subject by Ravi Zacharias. The young man then said that he was in his tent the night before and he could only get one radio station, the broadcast was one of Ravi Zacharias' programs. I no longer believe in coincidences.

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