Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Bee, they are Silver Pencil Rocks... here are 3 of the 4 girls with their mixed up group ...2 hens hatched one week and are completely co-brooding their hatches, the 3rd hatched a week later and has daytime visitation and co-parenting duties but as of now still keeps her younger ones all under herself at night... the 4th one is now waiting for her clutch of eggs, which my hubby and I are picking up Friday morning for her.
I also have 4 other broodies, 2 easter egger mixes, one black giant and one very silkie looking girl (maybe a mix though).
Interesting...I've got what I was told was a Dark Brahma hen with that same pattern.
I was talking to a long distance backpacker several years ago about God and offered him a book on the subject by Ravi Zacharias. The young man then said that he was in his tent the night before and he could only get one radio station, the broadcast was one of Ravi Zacharias' programs. I no longer believe in coincidences.

I love stories like that!
I was talking to a long distance backpacker several years ago about God and offered him a book on the subject by Ravi Zacharias. The young man then said that he was in his tent the night before and he could only get one radio station, the broadcast was one of Ravi Zacharias' programs. I no longer believe in coincidences.
So Cool! Loooonnnngggg time ago, I read/heard that "Coincidence is a miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous." LOVE IT!!! We've been blessed to be part of so many "coincidences."
So Cool! Loooonnnngggg time ago, I read/heard that "Coincidence is a miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous." LOVE IT!!! We've been blessed to be part of so many "coincidences."

Me too! I love that saying...I may borrow it!

YIKES!! How does one edit a "reply??" Anywho, I was trying to tell Bee thanks for her explanation about the broody hens and they have to step up and volunteer to be a mommie.

So far they are only stepping up to try and get in the brooder when I feed the chicks and don't feed them.....
If the hormones aren't working in my favor, that's all I'm going to get out of this crowd.

Got one meat chick that looks like it's wanting to die...I've seen that look before. Sleepy, standing in one place, not eating or drinking while all the other chicks run around, bounce off it, eat, drink and chase one another. I'm predicting it will be dead by morning and there isn't a thing I can do about it, so I left it out with its brooder mates and under the heating pad.
So Cool! Loooonnnngggg time ago, I read/heard that "Coincidence is a miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous." LOVE IT!!! We've been blessed to be part of so many "coincidences."
I LOVE THIS quote!! I'm definitely gonna write this in my's nice to remember that He has everything under control, all the time and all we have to do is sit back and watch and thank Him for the blessings that come down from His hands!!

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